Last update March 23, 2024 by colgadosporelfutbol
As we do in FUTBOLRETRO.ES, Today we bring you a new best 11 historical, in this case Granada Football Club. As we often explain these items (so that no one gets angry), our choice is entirely subjective and, like is logic, some will not agree.
The criterion that we usually follow when developing this type of alignment is the performance of the players involved in the club on duty, in this case the Granada Football Club. Nazari club's golden era decade of the 70 in 'Old Los Cármenes'. That is why there is a predominance of footballers from that stage in the lineup we have chosen..
Of course, to carry out this selection we have not resorted to any. The 'Mr.’ This team is our partner José Manuel Quesada, granadinista and great connoisseur and scholar of history of the Andalusian club, author of the book “Antiheroes of Granada C.F.”.
The best 11 history of Granada CF
What do you think our 11? Are you agree? Would you do any changes? As usual, You can leave your comments and opinions at end of article.