Julen Guerrero, story of betrayal

Julen Guerrero, story of betrayal
Julen Guerrero in his first season in the elite (ABC)

Last update August 14, 2020 by Javier Argudo

If we say that Julen Guerrero He was one of the best Spanish players of his era (if not the best) Few dare to say that we are overreacting.

that of Portugalete, who went through all the ranks of Athletic Club, debuted hand Jupp Heynckes with only 18 years in a match that ended in conviction against him Cádiz (2-1) a 6 September 1992 in the old San Mames.

Christmas He had his dream come true. First Division debut with the club he loves in Cathedral. It was the beginning of the career of a legendary player who played more than 400 Bilbao games and scored zamarra 116 goals that could be many more if I had not had such a premature withdrawal from active football.

The impact on the Spanish and European football '8’ of the Athletic Club It was brutal. Its quality, clairvoyance arrival, joined his insulting youth, he became one of the most coveted players of the moment. His first season in the elite were to frame both individually and collectively. The Athletic hit a league runner-up which allowed him to play the Champions League.

Of course, he got the opportunity to wear the shirt of the Selection with whom he played two world (1994 Y 1998) Hand Javier Clemente always he featured Julen Guerrero as fixed in their calls.

Guerrero became a fixture in the selection of Javier Clemente (AS)


That's when the top clubs in Europe gambled heavily on Christmas and they were after him. What they did not know is that this lion was made of a very different paste from the vast majority of footballers, which, They tend to seek to improve in sports and economics, leaving aside the colors.

Real Madrid, Barca and Atletico in Spain and Milan, Inter, and Lazio in Italy they were some of those who fought to convince the player but he was very clear about it. He did not move the Athletic Club Not for all the gold in the world (said the Real Madrid offered him a blank check).

At that moment, Jose Maria Arrate (club president at the time) Y Guerrero They signed a contract 10 years as a first team player (charging much less than what other teams offered). This agreement would become a life agreement once it was withdrawn., either as a coach or performing any other function within the club.

Betraying Julen Guerrero

But nevertheless, things started to go wrong from the year 2000 when the midfielder was losing prominence and was relegated to the substitution coinciding with the arrival on the bench of Luis Fernández. Some media began to report that the template Athletic there was a hard core’ which it had proposed embitter the existence Julen. You know that that envy is the national sport.

But San Mames I was clear about it and, although the last seasons of his great star were very complicated for him (He did not play as a starter until the final game of his last season in farewell), never let you clap and cheer simply by the mere sight of him in the band warming.

Finally, the legend of Athletic he couldn't stand the internal pressure anymore and decided that it was time to hang up his boots. I had only 32 years and still had one year left on his contract. He returned to reject succulent offers in economic matters from abroad because he either played in the club of his loves or did not play directly.

His farewell press conference was marked by his bitter tears and cold of the act, as the player himself has confessed on several occasions.

Julen Guerrero's farewell
Julen Guerrero could not hold back the tears at the farewell press conference club all his life (The mail)

We will not go into details but what is clear is that Christmas He was betrayed by colleagues and worse, the club for which he had given everything. Although he continued linked a few years as a technician in Lezama With the change of directive after the presidential elections, he decided to leave the entity who knows if to return one day.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

12 thoughts on “Julen Guerrero, story of betrayal

  1. lie. Guerrero made his debut for Athletic in a match against Cadiz, the 6 September 1992, which ended 2-1. Guerrero played headline, BUT NONE OF THE MARKED 2 GOALS OF ATHLETIC, they were the work of Ziganda and Valverde.
    It is false that Guerrero scored on his debut. lie.

    1. di lie once again if it is not clear. You're right, Julen got a goal in that game, but as you express it looks like you're totally against Julen, What que me da pena.

    2. Thank you for reporting the error with such calm and serenity. It is already corrected. Greetings 😉

  2. I remember this great player a lot, especially for that great Selection of Javier Clemente. Very good article.

  3. Good player Julen Guerrero, He was really a Warrior on the playing field, he did not break even if everyone was against, my total admiration for the greetings from Chiquimula Guatemala

  4. Until the nose that "everyone knows" what happened to Julen and the people who wanted to kill him among his colleagues, they have all been considered "important" television and radio pseudo-journalists , with the phrase … one day we will tell what happened…./ But here no one has released a pledge , or there are no webssss or it is that he simply had a physical downturn and could not take it anymore …. Let's see who has eggs to give name and surname

  5. What is clear is that young people have to learn that he was an honest, humble player and, above all, never selfish, something that others do.. They are

  6. Really, I think any comment against Yulen Guerrero is unforgivable, for I think of the best Athletic players of all time to the same as in Spain.
    He also showed honesty for his Club. and that they never paid him as he should. directive and “little group” of players almost forced to retire, I'm not Basque but I'm from Athletic from the use of reason, I've got 75 years and I would like someone brave to clarify what happened to Yulen. A stain on history, of our Club, it could be that Urritia, Echeveria, Urzaiz…..or Arrate know something.

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