Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tati Valdés, one of the most beloved footballers in Sporting history

Last update April 14, 2020 by Javier Argudo

In the 91 years of existence of the League, there has been everything: heroics, most curious miseries and anecdotes. We are sure that one of the most incredible occurred in Gijón in March 1975, scene of the televised match of the day 22 National League Championship, something that will be fundamental in this ridiculous story. A Sporting that will mark an era comes from the fall after a bad streak of results. His lineup speaks for itself: Jesus Castro, Ciriaco, Megido, Churruca, Quini... But we will keep another name: Tati Valdés.

Crisanto García Valdés, better known as Tati Valdés or "La Maquinona", certainly a nickname that suited him perfectly. Alfredo Relaño describe the footballer: “bore the number 10 and was ranked behind interior, forming with Puente the team of firemen of the team. Very good player, double bass, presence and excellent movement of the ball.However, his figure was far from that of the typical successful soccer player. Valdes he stood out on the lawn for his visible overweight and for an incipient bald spot that surprised his early twenties.

Tati Valdés Sporting
Valdes, an SUV in that historic Sporting de Gijón (Acebedo's Blog)

We can discern that it was the piece that balanced a clearly attacking team and, until the season in question, an indisputable holder in the eleven sportinguista. But in the summer of 1974 A fine Argentine interior arrived in Gijón that represented the complete opposite of Valdés. Nicknamed "the Skinny", Landucci he sported a slim figure and long hair. Preceded of great fame in his stage in Rosario Central, took the starting position at the beginning of the season, sending Valdés to the bench. La Maquinona when questioned by such circumstance released a mythical phrase: “the mud will come”.


So it was, when autumn made an appearance in the Spanish fields, the midfielder Valdés won the game against the Argentine stylist. Maybe happy and accepting the advice of a hairdresser friend, the Asturian began to cover his scalp with a high-end toupee. “RODITOP”Was unique for its advanced German system, a revolution in the wig market based on a powerful double-sided adhesive tape. Roditop was the most and Tati Valdés He did not hesitate to use it even to play soccer games.

And so the visit of the Real society to a decked out Mill with the TVE cameras. Decayed Sporting loses from the minute 1 of game, but the show is yet to come. Minute 7, Tati Valdés fight for an air ball. When heading the ball, his precious toupee is thrown into the air. A cry of astonishment runs through the stands of the Molinón. The midfielder, without hesitation and to the surprise of colleagues, rivals and referee repositions it as he can and continues with the game.

A few minutes later, Valdes jumps again and the toupee too ... The murmur is growing. Ashamed, picks it up from the grass and runs away from the pitch. Coach Pasieguito, astonished like all those present, orders the hairy Landucci to enter the field. The match will end 0 a 2, but the result is the least of it. Everyone talks about the same and not only in Gijón, TVE has broadcast the show live for all of Spain, Valdés' misfortune catapulted his toupee into national news.

Tati Valdés, a man of character recovered from the shameful backhand and now without a toupee returned to the playing fields across the country, holding graces and minor insults, the history of his toupee was diluted over time and remained as an anecdote of one of the great personal trajectories sportinguistas.


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