When Hungary was the best team in the world

When Hungary was the best team in the world
One of the formations of the mythical Hungarian selection of 50 (Footballia)

Last update August 2, 2019 by Javier Argudo

Just a handful of years after the Second World War asolase the country magiar, Hungary It was imposed as the true world soccer power. In the cruel postwar years the country experienced a severe process of political transformation, Member of the powers of Axis during the war, Upon completion, He emerged the Communist Republic. A period when the population was subjected to unprecedented repression.

The state, eager to exploit his footballing power as a propaganda showcase, It prohibits players from leaving across Europe. They are forced to play in the Budapest Honved, Army equipment. Are subject to ruthless communist regime that will squeeze its qualities to the extreme.


logically Honved It will nourish the Magyar selection competitions nations, where Hungarians showed the world their superiority with the ball. That group was dubbed "Golden Team" and his nickname was not in vain, a game preciosista – precursor of the total Dutch football seventies- and with the likes of Puskas, Czibor, O Albert Kocsis; They fear instilled by the old footballing continent, beating and beating any rival. Olympic champions were proclaimed in 1952 and runners-up in the world 1954 losing the final that went down in history as the Miracle of Bern, because defeating the Hungarians was considered a miracle.

But nevertheless, not all that great generation of footballers were subjected. Some, risking their lives, They managed to cross the iron curtain and across Europe. The best known case is that of Kubala Laszly, which in a few years will be recognized as the best player in the world, He had to flee their country disguised as a soldier in a movie scene.


A late forty, an unexpected meteor shower fell on eastern Cinecittà. Film that city built by Mussolini in his attempt to stand up to Hollywood, he became a refugee camp where they settled the great players who were fleeing Communist regimes in Eastern Europe: the Hungarian Kubala or Sarosi, the Simotec Romanian or Yugoslav Marik.

Hungary he declared fugitives and FIFA He sanctioned the. They could be hired by any European club. His career was cut short by the intransigence of the Communist authorities. Given such vicissitudes the only way they had to survive was to offer friendly matches to display mode. He was created one of the most reconfortadores football dreams: the Hungary.

Under this name a sad players union that the bitterness of exile continuing the ban was saddled with his professional career it was made. As if it were a traveling circus members of Hungary They were hired to play friendly matches anywhere in Europe.

Along with the world surrendered to Golden Team, another team, formed by exiled, He roamed Europe. The team without a country. And much like that, He dazzled by its colorful and avant-garde design that revolutionized the game of football.

The Real Madrid He wanted to offer fans a big international meeting, a party of true class, in which players will be a group of aces of the most famous in Hungary. Notables players who after achieving fame have had to flee their country, under communist rule and terror.

ABC 02/06/1950

The arrival of Hungarian players to the Spanish League

Those exiled footballers were pursued by European clubs trying unsuccessfully to incorporate them into their computers. Finally a solution was found, if they nationalized in the country of destination, They lost their Hungarian citizenship and with it his fugitive status. In some cases it went beyond, They should abandon their orthodox beliefs and embrace Catholicism by baptism. Own Kubala He was baptized in Águilas.

In our country the Hungarians were welcomed. For the Franco regime posed a perfect anti-communist propaganda and the league a big leap in quality. His signing became a kind of fashion and Spanish clubs fought for them: Kubala Y from Szeged They signed by the Barcelona, also contract to coach Daucik; Hrotoko Y Srosi Went to Zaragoza, locksmith al Logroñés, Large a Las Palmas, Licker Y Otto al Granada

Thus the legendary Hungary It was weakened and late 1950 the remains were headed to Colombia to continue his tour of South America, as announced The sports world, the continent was "the only nest where they can migrate these wandering swallows football fanned by the storm of war".

They follow a parallel path of the powerful members Honved. They took advantage of shifts in European competitions for trying to flee. Puskas, fed up that he denied its international, He was the first to turn tail. carter Y Czibor They were two of those who decided not to return to their country examples. All were accused of "traitors" and sanctioned FIFA. Like their compatriots Hungary They were forced to lose their nationality to continue his career.

England 3 Hungary 6
Wembley England suffered one of the most painful defeats in their history against Hungary. The end result was 3-6 for Hungarians in a match that went down in history as 'The party of the century’ (Photo: Brand)

In the World 1958 Hungary failed to progress beyond the first phase, all figures had renounced their nationality. The Golden Team had disappeared, it had spread across Europe. What would have happened if those two sets that amazed the world had allowed them to join forces, if they had joined the Czibor, Puskas, carter O Albert with the Kubala O Srosi? Perhaps the history of football had been written in another language, in Hungarian.

Jose Quesada

Historian, Grenadian and granadinista. In search of the "anti-heroes" of the League, because they are the grim stories that give a touch legendary football. Puedes seguirme en @JxQuesada Autor de “Los Antihéroes del Granada C.F.”

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