Back home in the Celta de Vigo

Back home in the Celta de Vigo
Denis Suárez, one of the players who has returned to the discipline celeste (RC Celta)

Last update September 24, 2019 by Javier Argudo

It's hard to leave your home and even more so if this is Galicia, so difficult it is that the Galicians have a word to describe the feeling that way being away from home. Melancholy sadness and nostalgia for his homeland says the definition of morriña, and it seems that this feeling arises in the players who went through the Celta de Vigo, because this summer up to four players have packed their bags with destination Vigo.

What happened this summer has a precedent in summer 2015 when Iago Aspas He decided to return home after passing through Liverpool Y Sevilla. Moaña player had managed to stay in second division, the first and achieved promotion to the category before embarking on his adventure in the city of Beatles. Iago Aspas I would Vigo to increase his legend, achieving three trophies Zarra consecutively, leading his team to the semifinals of the Europa League and disputing a World Cup with the national team.

They include the role played this past summer with the laps of these great players like Santi Mina, Denis Suárez, Rafinha the Pape Cheikh.

In addition to signing fantastic players, They ensure that these players have the feeling of belonging to the club causing expectations and increase club vigués the best content of forecasts den al Celtic as a candidate to fight again for the positions that give European place for next season.

Santi Mina olívica returns to the city after four seasons in Valencia where a secondary role having achieved great goalscoring figures and gain the affection of such a demanding hobby like Mestalla. In an operation in which Maxi Gomez ficharía by Valencia, as he Celtic as Santi Mina did not hesitate to return celtiña the squad could be a reality.

Denis Suárez only he got to play in the Celta B before he Manchester City He calls his door and take him to English soil. In 2013 he joined Barcelona and subsequently would yielded to Sevilla, where he shared a dressing room with Iago Aspas, Villarreal Y Arsenal last season. It appeared that this summer would leave the Catalan club due to excessive competition, between Valencia and the Celtic a dispute opened by the player, finally she decided by the option to go home and play a leading role.

Rafinha and he was on loan at Celta Vigo In the season 2013/2014 where he caught on a very great season, but the links of this player and Vigo already come much earlier. Rafinha And his brother Thiago, and they played in the Balaidos Stadium after games of his father, Mazinho. The Brazilian international was active in Vigo since 1996 until the 2000 coinciding with the children of her two children.

Footballer born in Senegal, Pape Cheikh given back to Celta Vigo after two years almost blank in the Olympique Lyon. Canterano reaches the sky balaídos to provide muscle to the midfield and continue to increase minutes.

Definitely, the celestial fans can be happy with this transfer market, where the arrival of these players will give a more quality and celtismo to the template.


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