Bayern Munich, playing in the second division to win their first European title

Bayern Munich, playing in the second division to win their first European title
Bayern's players pose with the Cup Winners Cup won in 1967 (The discount)

Last update October 2, 2023 by colgadosporelfutbol

If I name them to Bayern Munich All of them come to mind titles, large end, its historical players or coaches, a nice, all that encompasses being one of the biggest clubs in the world. But not always the Bavarian club is so related to these terms, because until mid- 60 was club almost did not have titles in their windows, and even he was not invited to compete in the first year of the Bundesliga for their poor performances in previous German championships.

Thus, This article will describe as Bayern managed to go from being in German second division to win his first European title and laying the foundations for wins would get in 70, in just 3 seasons.

First understand the German championship as it was before the Bundesliga. In 1945 (After the Second World War) He initiated a format that would stay until 1963-64. This format was to divide the country 5 parts, and the champions of each region classified to the next stage where they would play each other to determine the champion of German football.

In this format Bayern Munich He did not win a league title, He could not even get qualify for the next phase, since their region was mainly dominated by the Stuttgart and the Nürenberg. And the only official title up in the nearly 20 years was a DFB Cup, in the year 1955.

Year 1963, the Bundesliga is born

The season 1963/64 I would be the first Bundesliga in history, formed by 16 teams, and although it is hard to imagine, the Bavarian team was not among them.

He remained in second during the first 2 seasons, but nevertheless, no project at hand he imagined. In 1963 He came the technical yugoslovado Zlatko Tchaikovsky Y, with him, They begin to take ownership of a generation to overcome difficult canteranos: Franz Beckenbauer, Sepp Maier, Franz Roth y Georg Schwarzenberg as the most outstanding.

Not content with all this talent they decided to hire for the season 64/65 a young boy who handled networks break in the seventh German division, the young man was Gerd Müller. The named players would form an essential part of Bayern Munich who would be three-time European champion in the mid 70. With the players already present there was to see that they were made.

The result was the rise in the season 65-66 with tremendous numbers. The Bayern Munich He came first in his region marking 146 goals in 32 matches (yes, they read well, 146) and he classified to another group consisting of 4 teams, who came out first would rise directly to the Bundesliga. They won 4, they tied 1 and they lost 1.
Thus the first team promoted to the first division with a team of young plagued, but with enough quality and they showed in their first year in the elite.

In his first season in Bundesliga -65/66- They achieved a surprising 3rd place. But undoubtedly the highlight of the season was obtaining DFB Cup that season, beating in the final Meidericher SV 4-2 with a large participation Sepp Maier.

The World Cup in England 1966

At the end of that season he played the World Cup 1966 In England, in which Germany He managed to reach the final against the host country, where they lost with remembered that ghost goal. But nevertheless, there was a young man 20 years that shocked the world, with his talent, ability to be important in both areas, his vision and his class.

We are talking about Franz Beckenbauer, he played every game in Germany at the World, marking 4 goals and playing position midfielder, something that would change at Bayern as part of the means of defense.

In the season 66/67 these youngsters who had broken into the elite of German football continue to make mischief. Especially, a historic striker had an incredible explosion, we are talking about Gerd Müller This season marked 28 goals in 30 Games of Bundesliga, 7 in 4 DFB Pokal matches and 8 in 9 parties in the Cup Winners Cup. 43 goals in 45 matches, 22 years, crazy.

In the Bundesliga They went down to the post 6, which is not bad since disputed triple competition. In the DFB Cup that season returned to win the state championship, earning him the end to historic Hamburgo de Uwe Seeler by 4-0. Between the front Bayern (Muller and Ohlhauser) they marked 9 goals in 4 competition matches. And so the whole of Munich in two years getting the same amount of title that in recent 30.

The Cup Winners' Cup 1966-67: The first European title in the history of Bayern Munich

At the same time obtaining the DFB Cup it's from the season 65/66 let them play the former Cup Winners Cup (disputed by all the champions of national cups -Copa del Rey, FA Cup, Coppa Italia, etc.) and desaprovecharían no chance on his debut in a continental tournament.

In the first series behoove them to travel to Czechoslovakia, to play the pass the second round against tratan Presov. In the first leg, visitor, the result was 1-1. On lap Germans would seal their place in the next round winning 3-2 thanks to doublet Gerd Muller and both Dieter Burn Inger.

In the second round the draw decided they played against the champion of the Cup of Ireland, Shamrock Rovers, and again the series define local. The result was identical to the previous series, 1-1 in the first leg and 3-2 in Germany, with goals from Muller, Ohlhauser y Burn Inger.

And tucked between 8 best the team to beat this time was the rapid Vienna, in the first leg, in Austria, Germans fell by the minimum, what he forced them to win at home and not defraudarían, since they beat 2-0 in overtime, thanks to goals from Muller and Ohlhauser.

To reach the desired end had to beat the Belgian side Standard de Lieja and for the first time in the tournament they had the chance to play the first match of the series at home, which they took advantage of winning by 2-0 with goals from Muller y copper Schmidt. With half a ticket to the final match had to also go to kill off the process to Belgium, where they left no doubt of their level winning by 1-3 with a hattrick del Torpedo Muller She coming to 8 goals in as many games on their European debut.

The final against Glasgow Rangers

Thus, the Bayern Munich It was classified for defining match, On the other side would be the Rangers de Glasgow, what, although today would seem a minor rival, then Scottish football was at its peak level, so much so that that same season Celtic win the European Cup, But that is another story.

The path of Scots had been more complicated than the Germans, since they eliminated the Borussia Dortmund (champion of the previous edition), Zaragoza and Slavia Sofia. But the Germans were lucky to contest the defining game in their own city, since the final was played at the Städtisches Stadion, House rival, the TSV Munich 1860, an excellent opportunity.

The final pitted two styles of totally different game and that was quickly noticed in the game, Scots had a style to that country at that time, more associative, patient, incorporating players to attack all positions.

In turn, the Bayern formed a 1-3-3-3, a formation that had risen to fame in the catenaccio of the decade. With Beckenbauer as libero and last man in defending, but with offensive liberties if it saw fit. The line of 3 It was formed by (from left to right) Kupferschmidt, Disqualification (captain) Y Nowak.

The 3 medium were Roth, Koulmann y Brenneman Inger, The latter had a special role because it had to cover the entire left side, something like what we know today as carrilero. And those in charge of the front were Müller, Ohlhauser (center forwards) Y Nafziger lying on the right side. Ohlhauser had a role false 9, He was responsible for getting down balls in midfield while Müller He expected 9 In the area.

The best Bayern Munich in history

The procedure was very complicated party for Bayern, Scots seized possession from the first minute and tried to reach the goal of all possible ways being Sepp Maier who saved his team on several occasions.

The German team did not stand in the 90 minutes, the midfield was very close to the defense already late so the strikers were very alone and away. They were limited in centers and pelotazos Inaccurate, and also they managed to keep the 0-0 and reach extension.

It was in that instance when the Germans found its best, and joined the notorious fatigue rival team managed to reach the goal through the most dangerous player in the defense genre Rangers, Ohlhauser, which he dropped to half court, demonstrating its role false 9 to attend perfectly to Roth who came to the area and could define first despite the sticky mark 8 rival.

Bayern Munich's first Cup Winners' Cup, first of many international titles

And so the Bayern He raised his first international title, undeservedly, after being subjected to defend all game, like a deja-vu of what would be repeated on numerous occasions in the 70's.

But the truth is that, deserved or not, This team went from second division to be among the largest in Europe thanks to a project that was based on trust give young talent, who planted face against anyone and that marked the path of an institution that today is one of the largest in the world.

For the following season the whole Munich He got the first double of its history, winning the DFB-Pokal and BBL. In turn they reached the semifinals of the Cup Winners Cup, losing to Milan. But most important is that the bases would step had sat the best Bayern history.

The Recopa de 1967, the first international title in the history of Bayern Munich
Article Name
The Recopa de 1967, the first international title in the history of Bayern Munich
In this article we are going to remember how Bayern Munich went from second place to being champion of the Cup Winners' Cup. His first European title

Julian Dabat

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