Maracana scandal. The greatest deception of football history

Maracana scandal. The greatest deception of football history
Roberto 'The Condor'' Rojas was involved in the biggest deception in the history of football. Photo:

Last update August 16, 2023 by colgadosporelfutbol

He was known as The scandal Maracana '. It happened 3 September 1989 and went the greatest deception in the history of football in a key match between Brazil and Chile They were playing that access for World Cup Italia '90.

Chileans should win, while Brazilians worth them with tie. Brazil He won by 1-0, minute was 70 when it happened the unfortunate fact that we speak in this article.

Condor Rojas and the Maracana scandal

Porter Chile era Roberto 'Condor’ Rojas, one of the best in South America. Suddenly, a flare fell on the Chilean national team goalkeeper. Chilean goalkeeper threw himself to the ground as he writhed as if he were seriously wounded. Rojas had completely bloodied face. Before this panorama, The referee had to suspend the meeting while the Chilean goalkeeper was carried by his companions into the tunnel.

definitely the party was canceled at the insistence of Chilean players who were not "full guarantees" to return to the pitch and feared for their safety. But nevertheless, it was a shameful lie. An idea to qualify for the direct route, or at least force a replay on a neutral field.

Roberto Rojas, He had hidden a razor blade between his gloves and flare brand, Things of destiny, “Condor”, It had been launched by such Rosenery Mello, one model 24 years, which was converted into media. So much, which came out in "Playboy”.

Rosenery Mello
Rosenery Mello, the woman who threw the flare at Condor Rojas and later became media out even in Playboy. Photo:

The passage of time made evident to Rojas Crockery plan and which today, with the number of cameras there in a match, He would have left evidence at the moment.

The magazine Argentina "The graphic" He revealed a picture where you could clearly see that the flare had fallen away half a meter and the position of goalkeeper Chile so it was impossible first that would have impacted on the face and second that would have hurt that way.

'Condor' Rojas
This photo dismantled the plan Crockery Condor Rojas. Photo:

Chile was left out of the World Cups in Italy 90 He was named the best referee in the world four years in a row 94

Obviously after demonstrating that the film was mounted Rojas, the FIFA Chile eliminated, he drove out of the qualifying playoffs Italy '90 and prevented the Chileans play the qualifiers for USA ’94. It is that Chileans could not return to a World Cup to France '98.

On the other hand, 'the Condor’, was banned for life and his career ended sullied and torn like his own personal life. ‘Maracana scandal‘ He went down in history forever as one of the blackest pages of football.


Alberto Llopis

Director of Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in and Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me at @colgadosfutbol

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