Does today's football no longer offer comebacks like the ones it used to??

Does today's football no longer offer comebacks like the ones it used to??
Today's football no longer offers magical nights like the old ones.

Last update April 23, 2021 by colgadosporelfutbol

The epic comebacks remain forever in the memory of the fans of the teams that star in them (and in that of those who suffer from them too), referring immediately to magical nights in which the miracle was worked that materialized what seemed impossible before the ball began to roll.

The last great antecedent that we have

But nevertheless, at modern hypertech football it seems that these wonders no longer occur, with permission Barça For better and for worse, entering the first chapter on 6-1 endorsed to PSG at the Camp Nou in that second leg of the Champions League round of 16, that the Catalans faced with 4-0 adverse in the first leg at the Parc des Princes. While for the second slope it is enough to remember Roma Y Liverpool, Although it must be said that it is not the same that they trace a 4-1 or a 3-0 along the 90 minutes to score three goals in ten as happened to the buoyant Parisian team, which also appeared as an obvious favorite to go round in all sports bets for the great advantage gained in the first game.

That night when Pantic scored four goals at the Camp Nou and Atlético de Madrid was eliminated

To congratulate ourselves even more with the fans of the Catalans who read us later after having named them the bichas of Rome and Liverpool, we are going to refer to another crazy comeback starring the azulgranas, so unbelievable it wasn't even a response to a dire first leg, but to a first spectacular part of the Atletico Madrid who had gone to the rest with a 0-3. We are in the season 96-97, in the second leg of the Copa del Rey quarterfinals and after drawing two at the Calderón, a stellar Pantic (that that night he would end up scoring four goals that would be useless) has led his own for a few first 45 exquisite first minutes for the athletic and disastrous for the culés, that also have their doorman made a flan (the game would end sunk and crying despite the final result).

But nevertheless, after the resumption the prodigy was worked, and despite the fact that the Atléticos were able to oppose the same, would end up being swept away by a hurricane called Ronaldo Nazario and a so much end of Pizzi, the 5-4, that unleashed the frenzy, with the Barça coach, the venerable Bobby Robson, stupefied and with a face of not understanding anything, in fact when the result was 4-4 was telling his players to temporize, thinking that the tie was already tied, without taking into account the double value of the goals scored in the opposite half (let's remember that the first leg in the Calderón was over 2-2).

With everything, to also sweeten the mattress makers this immersion in the past we can bring up a 3-4 in Camp Nou corresponding to a league match 93-94, that began with a hat-trick by Romario and ended with a stellar Caminero scoring the goal that closed the victory for his team.

The Madrid of the great comebacks

But, and we were already taking, If we have to talk about a past team that has been the protagonist of great comebacks, we have to bring up the Madrid of the Quinta del Buitre, who starred in countless epic European nights with incredible comebacks at the Bernabéu. Some matches that will be forever associated with the angry face of Juanito, and that they had the great virtue of making the miracle something usual, although due to paradoxes of destiny that team was not crowned in the end with the maximum European scepter.

It should also be noted that those times were more conducive than these to this type of singularity., since it was a football without VAR, with less referee surveillance and without state-of-the-art cameras capable of breaking down every last intricacy of what was happening in the field, what I paid to first leg in which public pressure and rockiness many times the rival's impunity ended up resulting in a ‘cowardice’ own, which had its corresponding reflection on the scoreboard, While in the The second leg turned the tables, and in what way sometimes.

It is important not to lose sight of the fact that the double value of the goals scored in the opposite half he got for something, As much as now it seems that it does not make much sense (some local teams already go home to defend their goal), and even less so in current times when there is not even an audience in the stadiums.

That is why more and more voices are heard that advocate suppressing this advantage for the visitor, to which we undoubtedly join if that serves to have back those fantastic qualifying rounds of the before football in which everything could happen.


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