Genoa FC and incredible curse

Genoa FC and incredible curse
One of the first formations of Genoa Cricket & Football Club (Wikipedia)

Last update July 6, 2020 by Javier Argudo

The Genoa FC It is one of the most important Italian football clubs. Not in vain, Genovese was the first major set of the dominator football clinching the 3 first league championships and 5 of the firsts 6. further, You can boast of being the dean of Italy since its founding dates of the year 1893.

Total, the Genoa Has got 9 League titles making it the fourth most club championships Italian league. Only three giants Juventus, AC Milan e Inter surpass him in this regard. But nevertheless, This is where we must focus on what is known as 'Curse of the Genoa’ since the Scudetto last year succeeded in 1924, nothing more and nothing less.


As many of you know, the Italian Football Federation symbolically gives each club a star (Star en Italian) For each 10 You won leagues throughout its history. These stars are placed on top of the shields and proudly wear the shirt of each. Unfortunately, Barça It has been anchored in the 9 and it seems that the star will never reach because it is near a century after its last championship.

As it regards Italian Cup championships, the Genoa Nor you can feel very relieved. His only cupbearer trophy was won in the season too far 1936-1937. He was also runner-up in the 1939-1940.

Thus, Italians build a drought of many years as far as titles are concerned. At the European level, his greatest achievement was reaching the semifinals of the UEFA Cup in the campaign 1991-1992. That's the closest I've been to lift a trophy in the past you decades.


Genoa Y Sampdoria dispute one of the most exciting derbies Italian football. Both clubs share stadium, the Luigi Ferraris, capable 36.000 viewers. Before the founding of the Samp, back in 1946, his rivals were the Gimnastica Sampierdarenese (founded in 1899) Andrea Doria and Genoa (founded in 1900). The binding of both teams originated Samp.

Who knows if this drought, curse or bad luck streak of the Genoa will end soon, What is clear is that theirs is one of the most curious cases (and dramatic) history of football.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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