Eric Cantona kicks a Crystal Palace fan

Eric Cantona kicks a Crystal Palace fan
Eric Cantona's kick at a Crystal Palace fan went around the world (Photo: The Telegraph)

Last update March 26, 2024 by colgadosporelfutbol

Eric Cantona's kick to a fan who was in the stands was one of those moments in football from the 90 that was recorded in history. The French, He was one of the best players of the years 90. A high-level footballer who came from making Leeds champion a few years before and that he had his best years as a professional in the Manchester United, where he stood out for his great quality as a footballer but also for his eccentricities and strong character., something that caused him serious problems. Today we'll talk a historical action, worse, Gallic crack.

Cantona's famous flying kick to a fan who was in the stands

Everything occurred 25 of January of 1995. The Crystal Palace received the Manchester United. With 0-1 the score, Cantona made a brutal entry about Richard Saw, opposing defense, and Frenchman was sent off. Eric He took his stuff to leave the pitch and when he did, apparently, the insults received from a local hobbyist who made him mad. ‘The King‘, as he was known Cantona, without a moment's hesitation he threw a roundhouse kick against the fan plus a couple of punches.

The only thing I regret is not having hit stronger

The incident cost him dearly as the French striker was banned for 9 months without playing football, 120 hours of community service and a 30.000 pound fine. Yet after many years, Cantona shows no arrepentiemiento, rather, the opposite: “The only thing I regret is not having hit stronger“, It has been said in interviews Recently.

Who was that Palace fan?? What happened to the life of the fan who received Cantona's kick??

But who was that swells and what has been his life since then? His name is Matthew Simmons and his life has been a nightmare since that incident. As he said in an interview The Guardian: “Nothing justifies what I told him what happened to me since then. Cantona accused me of terrible things. He ruined my life“.

effectively, Simmons he lost his job and his family gave him aside. Years after that incident had problems with the law and was investigated by the press who accused him of having an ideology of extreme right and racist. In fact, It was speculated that he told Cantona: “Go to your country, French fucking“, something the amateur denies. Today is a living as a bricklayer and has a son.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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