The story of Cesare Maldini

The story of Cesare Maldini
Cesare Maldini. Leyenda e iniciador de la saga de los Maldini. PHOTOMONTAGE: Football retro

Last update April 4, 2024 by colgadosporelfutbol

Ninguna familia en el panorama futbolístico mundial es como los Maldini. Sólo una pareja de padre e hijo en la historia ha conseguido levantar el trofeo de la final de la Liga de Campeones para el mismo equipo.

Un gesto que marcó una época, primero con Cesare, durante la entonces Copa de Europa en 1963, la primera de una larga serie de victorias en esta competición para el Milán, y por segunda vez de la misma manera con su hijo Paolo en 2003. En este artículo hablaremos del hombre que cambió un equipo para siempre, recorriendo las etapas de su vida, desde la infancia hasta sus objetivos, hasta el legado que dejó.

Let's review the history of football with this analysis offered by experts in knowledge about the world of football that they also usually offer bonuses in betting houses.

The first Italian to lift the European Cup

The year 1932 when one of the most famous players on the world football scene was born in Trieste. Raised in the Servola neighborhood, where his nickname was later coined “Servola's mule”, He began to develop a passion for football within the oratory.

And it was precisely there where his potential began to emerge., which led him to attract the attention of the then Triestina masseuse, who convinced him to audition for the company. The 24 May 1953 debutó en la Serie A tras problemas que llevaron a algunos jugadores a no presentarse al terreno de juego por impago de sueldos.

Al año siguiente se convirtió en titular y, a pesar de su corta edad, obtuvo el título de capitán del equipo dirigido por Nereo Rocco, figura importante en la vida de Cesare Maldini.

La llegada a Milán

Dado su potencial sobre el terreno de juego durante la temporada, acabó bajo la mirada de Guttmann, entonces entrenador del Milan, que no avaló la compra porque creía firmemente en su talento. Inicialmente llegó como reserva, tuvo la oportunidad de debutar ante el Venezia y mantuvo su presencia como titular a partir de entonces. A partir de ahí una serie de hechos lo llevaron a ser recordado en los anales.

From 1961, year in which he obtained the captain's armband, Cesare Maldini won 4 championships throughout his career, a Latin Cup, but above all the first Champions Cup raised at Wembley on 22 May 1963.

After 12 years of football career he left Milan after playing a total of 347 matches. At the end of his competitive activity he remained on the team as Nereo Rocco's assistant., before becoming a coach himself in 1971. In the season 1972-73 won an Italian Cup and a Cup Winners' Cup.

The national team and recent years

In 1980 Cesare Maldini He was hired as second coach of the national team, while in December 1996 was promoted to coach ahead of the World Cup 1998. In those years he became the protagonist of some of the most important debuts in the history of football.. , among them we remember names of the caliber of Gianluigi Buffon, Fabio Cannavaro, Filippo Inzaghi and Christian Vieri. He then left the position that year after the elimination in the quarterfinals in favor of France.. The 2 February 1999 He returned to Milan as scouting coordinator, Meanwhile in 2001 He temporarily held the position of technical director on the Rossonera bench.

After a brief adventure in Paraguay as technical commissioner at the end of 2001, He ended his career by making his retirement from football official in 2002. Later he only played a role as a commentator for sports networks. The night of 2 al 3 April 2016 died at the age of 84 years, leaving a legacy that will later be continued by his son Paolo.

Cesare Maldini was surrounded in his life by various figures who did not stop paying tribute to him, recordándolo como una de las figuras de referencia del panorama futbolístico mundial. El día de su fallecimiento, toda la selección italiana de fútbol decidió saltar al terreno de juego de luto con una banda negra en el brazo y dedicándole un minuto de silencio, además se bautizó un parque en su memoria cerca del estadio de Meazza. Si el fútbol italiano es lo que es, sin duda también se lo debemos a Cesare Maldini.



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