Madridista humiliation of Pizo subsequent revenge Gomez Luis Aragones

Madridista humiliation of Pizo subsequent revenge Gomez Luis Aragones
Pizo Gómez in his playing Atletico Madrid (Colgadoporelfútbol)

Last update September 14, 2020 by Javier Argudo

The vast majority of players are tired of saying that what happens on the pitch should stay there. But nevertheless, the story we tell you today a lance or discussion was not limited to a football field but was extended out of it by the protagonists themselves among which Pizo Gómez.

It looks like, back in the season 1989-1990, a group of players Real Madrid headed by Míchel, He was driving towards their respective homes. At that time, meringues footballers used to share a vehicle to go to and from training and, apparently, at that time own Míchel, Gordillo, Iron, Ruggeri Y Parra they traveled together.

At a traffic light they met an acquaintance who stopped next to them. It was about Pizo Gómez, which at that time it was football player Atletico Madrid. She told the player himself colchonero madridista car occupants began to mock him: “Pisa, you're my idol”, “You're a phenomenon”, between laughs, mocking his crude and willful but lacking quality style that characterized the Basque footballer, who developed his career in clubs such as Athletic Club, Osasuna, Vallecano Ray, Espanyol, Athletic Y Éibar among others.

It did not end there. That same season on the final day of League Real Madrid and the Athletic They clashed in a match that ended tied at three goals and sparks flew between some of the protagonists of the story, especially Michel and self Pizo Gómez. Precisely, at the end of this meeting is when the athletic made public the story of the traffic light.

The following season things got out of. In a derby that ended with resounding victory Athletic by 0-3 at Santiago Bernabeu, an ugly input Míchel Send to Pizo Gómez to the infirmary and had injured three months.

But the great “revenge” took place at the end of King's Cup 1992 which again faced meringues and colchoneros. This year Pizo Gómez Atleti started in the workforce but was loaned to RCD Espanyol. But nevertheless, unbeknownst to him, It was instrumental in motivating athletic players. His trainer, Luis Aragones, as he told Paulo Futre at daily Marca, He entered the room the Portuguese and said good morning:

Do you remember the insults that led him Michel, Gordillo and Hierro Pizo Gómez? Do you know where and how he humiliated?.

“Of course I know it. From a car began to taunt Pizo at a stoplight and tell: “You are our idol and a thousand barbarities”, I replied. Luis replied immediately afterwards: “As well, Paulo, Today avenge Pizo. These three are going to swallow the insults to their partner and until the last day of each of their lives they are going to remember today's game”.

Luis Aragones kept talking to me: “You from tonight will become the great idol of Míchel, Gordillo, Iron, his friend Paco Buyo and company. You can not fail, you have totally prohibited. Today is your day. He is humble as they did with his partner and go back to sleep now, but remember you can't fail me”. And he left the room.

Cup Final 1992
Futre moment that marked the goal against Real Madrid in the final of 1992 played at the Bernabeu (ABC)

The rest is history. The Athletic Cup champion Real Madrid feud that was proclaimed by 0-2 with goals from Futre Y Schuster Y Luis Aragones again gave a master class in motivational talk before a game. Tonight's revenge came true Pizo.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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