'Lazio guns': Two bands of gangsters who won Scudetto

'Lazio guns': Two bands of gangsters who won Scudetto
Lazio pistols, a group of players who won the Scudetto divided. Photo: Editafácil

Last update May 4, 2024 by colgadosporelfutbol

Try every page retro football You should speak of this magnificent human history and football with a touch of romance and Vintage 70. The call 'Lazio pistols’ who managed to win the Scudetto it's from the season 1973-74.

This was a group of ‘mafiosetes’ divided into two factions within a team that is not killed during the training week miracle but when they went to the field to play their game were a seamless block.

In this team a number of different ideologies gathered too. In an era that was not good for anyone, this little group of players fit the stereotype of players who know today's youth.

Chinaglia and Martini: The leaders of both groups

The costumes of that team lived split into two factions, separated by the clear leaders. On one side it was Giorgio Chinaglia, Star striker and equipment and other Gigi Martini, left side.

Such was the thing that not even shared locker room during the training week and each group was changed and showered separately. Among his personal belongings, the players were armed with his own gun that beat a few shots after the daily work session.

According to the protagonists themselves, during the training of the time They were capable of kicking each other and seeking conflict at a minimum to bring out the weapons that each one carried in the locker room.. But nevertheless, when the weekend came as brothers defended themselves. It was a code of honor and hatred difficult to understand.

The “Lazio pistols” Scudetto champions 1973-74

Giorgio Chinaglia, front center scorer, subsequently he played in NY Cosmos with Pele, He liked to carry a Magnum 44 like the dirty Harry above. It became processed in the last years of his life by contacts with various European mafias, the Italian Camorra, for fraud and extortion. New York in the late 70's and early 80's, allegedly he extended these links. He was international with Italy in the World 1974.

The head of the other faction within the locker room was Gigi Martini put in the XXI century a well-known politician neo-fascist party in Italy. At that time when commanded through costumes Lazio era, as long as the protagonists themselves, fond shoot lampposts during rallies and had them stiff with Chinaglia and his group.

Chinaglia and Martini
Chinaglia and Martini, the leaders of both groups. Photo: elFutbloglin

Certainly the only he prevented from killing each other was Thomas Maestrelli, the coach of that wild group. He was a veteran, those carrying a tracksuit Crockery Vendor of the time, that coaches would laugh today who say they know how to manage changing. Don Thomas, like The Godfather, He was respected by both groups. It was like the father of them all and had to convince his players more than once to let him carrying weapons so that all, prevent them from killing each other.

The absurd and avoidable death of Luciano Re Cecconi

The Lazio pistols He came to an end after the transfer of Chinaglia to the Cosmos and also by several events that marked tragically this group of players. The first was the death of Maestrelli who fell ill with cancer and died in 1976 and the second the absurd death Luciano Re Cecconi to the being shot. Interestingly it was one of the few neutral players and carried no weapons in that group.

According to the chronicles, He accompanied a friend to an acquaintance jewelry. To enter, It came up with a joke and simulate a robbery to scare a little jeweler. They were very difficult times and the owner of the jewelry had already suffered a series of assaults and was a little hot with the theme, thing footballer, prankster by nature, He did not know.

Re Cecconi stoppered face, hand burst into his pocket pretending to have a gun and told the jeweler, I was back: “Hands up, this is a robbery". jeweler, He did not recognize the player and turned firing a gun beneath his desk with the speed of a film gunman west to the player, known as "The Angel Rubio", who died hours later.

Re Cecconi
Luciano Re Cecconi had a massive funeral. Photo: 20minutes

A few days, the wild group joined to pay tribute to their fallen comrade in such a tragic way absurd. That was the last time, then each went on his way, although the decomposition had already begun with the death of coach 1976 and up Chinaglia al New York Cosmos. But history will always remain that Scudetto de 1974 won by Lazio.


Alberto Llopis

Director of Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and Futbolretro.es. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me at @colgadosfutbol

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