The most hated club in world football

The most hated club in world football
Millwall is one of the most hated teams in England (NBC Sports)

Last update July 29, 2020 by Javier Argudo

Football long ago that is more than a sport. For many it is a passion, a way of life, almost a religion. It is obvious that generates all kinds of reactions and feelings and what is true for some love, for others it is hate. We review some of the most hated clubs in the world. Like is logic, fans of these teams say that this antipathy is nothing but pure jealousy.


Many may surprise the presence of this team in this list of the most hated club in the world but it certainly is. The bad reputation of English club comes to him largely because of their ultras, considered the most dangerous and violent of England. If you visit their stadium you will soon see scarves, flags and all kinds of merchandising with a clear slogan: “No one like us, we don´t care”, in Spanish becomes something like: “nobody does not like us, we do not care”.


The Mexican team has the dubious honor of being one of the most hated clubs around the continent. In numerous surveys conducted among Mexican fans, the America club It appears as the most disliked awake. The arrogance of their fans, arbitral aid has reportedly received the team throughout history… are some of the reasons that respondents often point to give your negative feedback. Same as him Millwall, one of the battle cries of fans America is: “Hate me more”.


In Italy or you are from the Juve directly or hate. For many it is the club of the Italian elite, which receives more aid and arbitration, as it occurs with America of Mexico, which it generates more ill. Critics say it is the club who just like to win titles and nothing else. A curious fact is that Juve is the team that has fans throughout Italy but in the city of Turin on the Torino are most.


In England he conducted a survey in most stadiums to determine which team was the least liked people. The winner, with a large majority, It proved to be the Chelsea. It is linked to the wealthiest area of ​​London and particularly, not having a great tradition in terms of titles until the arrival of Russian tycoon Roman Abramovich are the main reasons for this antipathy toward blues.


The Scottish side is one of the most hated of world football. The Glasgow club is built almost entirely by Protestant. further, its supporters are Unionists and supporters of the British Empire, Of course, usually they belong to the upper echelons of society. If you are humble, Catholic immigrant or, not fit too much in the Rangers.


Another of the most hated teams is Zenit Russian. St. Petersburg club has reached its highest level only and exclusively thanks to oil, in particular thanks to the company Gazprom. Until then, the club had a Russian and a single League Cup. Since then there have been several league titles and even lifted a UEFA Cup 2008. And if that was not enough, his more radical supporters are often branded as racist and homophobic. The vast majority do not want the template has black players, something that has caused more of a problem.


Generally all the Red Bull franchise clubs Overall a great dislike and are a threat to more traditional equipment. The corporate giant manages several teams throughout the world but one of the least sympathy is awake German Leipzig. In a country where football is sacred and the vast majority of clubs has a great story, the RB Leipzig He has reached the top of the Bundesliga and is already involved in European competitions based on large investments of money.

FC Barcelona and Real Madrid

We are probably at the greatest clubs in the world. It is because of that, although they have the largest number of followers, They are also two of the most hated club in the world. As we said at the beginning of the article, both fans of one another will say this animus the rest is due to pure envy. What is quite clear is that, as a rule, or are you one of these teams or not you like them.


Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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