The Castro brothers: Quini, Jesus and… I speak

The Castro brothers: Quini, Jesus and… I speak
Spanish futsal in 1989. Castro phallus in the top row, the first from right.

Last update July 13, 2019 by Javier Argudo

When one refers to the Castro brothers often we refer to two of the greatest players: The front Quini and goalkeeper Jesus "Susi" Castro. But there is a third saga, also keeper, as was his brother Jesus, and as was his father, also nicknamed Quini (the parent defended the goals of Vetusta ovetense and Road gijonés, among other clubs).

Little can be said of the first two that has not been said already. Both are heroes of Sporting, the second, also, transcends the sport with his tragic death on the beach of Pechón, giving their lives to save others. Quini it was all in the Sporting and the F.C. Barcelona, seven pichichis (First five, 3 them with Atletico, and two in Second), 35 all caps and other 2 International Olympic times (sub 23), coinciding latter selection with his brother Jesus, the great goalkeeper who also played in 6 sometimes with the Spanish Olympic team.

Rafael 'Talk’ Castro

Jesus, also, He defended from 1968 until 1985 the goal of Real Sporting Gijon, rejecting several offers for a change of scenery, which improved much he earned in the Asturian set. But, as we said, there is a third in the saga: Rafael "I speak" Castro. He began playing in teams of Salesians in Avilés, like his two brothers, while he is residing in the district of Llaranes avilesino, in, a wink of fate, making at Rio Piles, which borders the North Fund El Molinon, the club he loves, where he still works today, and where his professional sports career began.

I speak Castro He began in the Sporting Promises, the second subsidiary rojiblanco, that militated in Preferred Regional, and served as a bridge for the guys coming out of youth, before making the jump to the first branch, Deportivo Gijon, until 1979 , Sporting and Athletic from that date. There, trained by Ivan, He made a memorable campaign for what amounted to the first team subsidiary of hand Novoa.

In the 78-79 It becomes the holder goalkeeper Deportivo Gijon, sportinguista subsidiary in which it remains until 30 June 1981 (Sporting and Athletic denomination with). After four seasons at Sporting, and causes low, after a while, the fate plays a trick. Disputing a charity match in Caceres suffers the dreaded triada, which they are actually three lesions in a: fractures ACL, medial collateral ligament and the medial meniscus of the knee.

Football futsal

Le injury thickens and begins a string of operations which lead him to spend up to four times the operating room and to consider, seriously, leave the sport permanently. After three years inactive, a process of slow recovery, under constant relapses, the train football seems to have passed for Falo, but appears futsal in its beginnings as a professional sport.

Start playing and is shown as a janitor at the highest level. In the season 1985-86 debut in the Honor Division, with the Gomez car Aviles, where he also played the following year, later to be signed by one of the most important teams in Spanish football moment, the violent Astorga. Under President Gregory River, maragato team had managed to become a major club, aspiring to be always in the firing up, a professional club that combined large national players with the signing of Brazilian soccer stars from room, international for his country and those who were his companions: Carlinhos and Silvio.

The sport of football on track, recently professionalized and the media momentum created by the press, especially by radio journalist José María García, It begins to have space sports daily. Phallus is recurrently included in the ideal team of the day that, then, publish Brand. The call of the national team not long in coming. I speak Castro, as did his brothers, it also becomes international.

Spanish selection and removal

He defended the colors of the Spanish national team in 10 occasions, all during his tenure with the team leonés. After three years of success in Astorga, returns to Asturias. It is signed by La Fontaine de Gijon, Also in the top flight of national futsal. His homecoming is marred by another serious injury. Triada again crosses their path, this time in the right knee. new Calvary, up to six operations in this second and final fracture of ligaments, that drives him to abandon the practice of professional sports in 1991. Quini, Susi and Falo, three international brothers: the Castro brothers.

Frichu Yustas

I enjoy my two passions, football and music. Author of several books: "Atlas Music" (2007) along with other authors; "The rocks of Real Sporting de Gijón. History of a hobby" (2018) Rebeca Diaz with; "Football stories yesterday" (2019); "History of the CP Gijón Solimar" (2020). You can follow me on Twitter @fritzyustas

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