Is Pelé the best footballer in history?

Is Pelé the best footballer in history?
Pelé is the only footballer to have won three World Cups (Brand)

Last update December 29, 2022 by colgadosporelfutbol

Pele passed away on 29 from December to 2022 and after his departure, his legacy is eternal. Like the debate on who has been or is the best footballer in history.

There is no doubt that in the last decade in the world of football, is considered to Messi Y Cristiano Ronaldo like the best. Until the irruption of these two stars, Maradona he was one of the best thanks to his incredible plays and goals from another galaxy. Also Cruyff, Di Stéfano and Zidane seemed to be on that football Mount Olympus. But nevertheless, there are still many who consider that Pelé has been the best player in history.

The Brazilian star marked an era. When Pelé debuted on the field, soccer was a very aggressive sport where there was everything except "jogo bonito". But nevertheless, The Brazilian went against the tide of how those years were played and created a style that can be said to still be present today.

The truth is that there are many reasons why Pele can be considered the best player in history. Let's see the reasons.

Is Pelé the best?

There are few players who can say that they have scored more than a thousand goals in their career. It is an exaggerated amount that has not yet been overcome (sorry, Romario fans). further, It is not only about scoring goals, but how they are marked.

Currently there are players who have an incredible facility to score, as is the case with Messi. But nevertheless, We still haven't seen him score Chilean, something that Pelé achieved more than once. And not just that way, but Pelé scored goals from all records, like Beckham-style balloons or devilish headshots like Cristiano Ronaldo's.

Pelé not only scored goals, but he did it in so many ways that it really was a nightmare for opposing defenses and goalkeepers, since they did not know what I could come up with. A nice, a unique show.

Titles and personal achievements

There are many players today who have won almost everything. But nevertheless, no one can say that he has a showcase like Pele's, since he won everything he wanted and could. Pelé won all local and international competitions with Santos and Brazil (Let's not forget that with his team he won three world).

Let's think of a player who has won the same as the Brazilian star. Is there none?

The game environment

The playing conditions in football from the time of Pele They were very different from today. So the ball was heavier and harder, In addition to meeting in fields that did not have the special care of now. Without forgetting that football was much more aggressive.

Despite all the adversities, Skin He was one of the few who could stand out. His shots were as or more powerful than Cristiano's, and his dribbling skills were very similar to Messi's.

One of the main characteristics of Pelé was his ability to withstand all the kicks and fouls that rivals made him. Never gave up, since he had incredible determination. For aspects like these, Pelé is considered one of the best players in history.

Pelé was not just a goal

What most people remember are Pelé's goals. But nevertheless, the Brazilian player was much more. He was a great assistant as well as having great field vision. Was able to create, attend and score in a single match. For example, today Pelé would be one of the best players to bet on. In Mr Green sports betting it would be one of the safest values, since something important almost always passed through his boots, whether it was a goal or an assist, so it would be a very reliable bet.

His passes and dribbles may have been less aesthetic than they are today, but it cannot be denied that he was advanced for the time.

If there hadn't been, football would be different

The dribbling and the creation of Pelé's game were not only a spectacle for their time, but they really created school. How many children, and not so young, they wanted to be like Pelé?

Everything we have seen so far in football can be said to emanate from the figure of Skin: Messi's feints, Cristiano's bicycles or the magic passes of Ronaldinho they may not have existed if Pele hadn't played football.

Pelé was not only a scorer or an organizer, it was a whole. One of those players who mark an era and are capable of influencing the following.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

4 thoughts on “Is Pelé the best footballer in history?

  1. Pelé is undoubtedly the best soccer player in history, I saw him play in recent years since the World Cup in Mexico 1970 until his retirement in the Cosmos of New York, impossible to compare with current players.

  2. Pelé is the maximum expression of world football, there was no other footballer with so many skills together; tactical intelligence, athletic ability, efficiency and personality. The Brazilian created, organized, impromptu, regatta, defined, etc. It was a combination of Ronaldinho, Zidane, Cristiano Ronaldo, Romario and Ronaldo Nazario.

  3. Edson Arantes do Nacimiento , BEFORE, He was the greatest player in the history of Soccer. 17 years he won his first World Cup with Brazil in Sweden. Y 3 in total unique until now. And the best why it was the most complete of all, humble, fighter, great player for the team,
    and I HAD IT ALL . And then there were great players, D’stefano, , puscas, Platinum, Cruiff, Maradona, Ronaldo, and many more

  4. Of course, unquestionably, Pele was so great that apart from winning 3 world cups and score more than 1000 goals in championships,. He played at a time when racism was on the rise and it was so great that even white people admired him and classified him as the best of his time., And the most important thing is that in those years there were no social networks or satellite or cable television and people worldwide did not own radios or television for the most part., For this reason, their achievements were not highlighted worldwide as today, if the players are highlighted, taking them to a level of media fame, Pele did not enjoy that privilege. In fact, all the European soccer leagues that exist today did not exist, which is a marketing to highlight and catapult the players both in fame and in monetary cost for the players. Not to mention all the work that the great and indisputably best of all time did edson erantes donating “the king peeled”

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