José María García: “Florentino Perez is the worst president in the history of Real Madrid”

José María García: “Florentino Perez is the worst president in the history of Real Madrid”
José María García interview foot field Juanito, by then player of Burgos CF (

Last update April 23, 2024 by colgadosporelfutbol

José María García It's quite a figure of Spanish journalism. He revolutionized the sports information playing in all styles: press (He worked in the newspaper Pueblo), TV and radio. Since the early 70 until his retirement in 2002, It was a real scourge for managers and senior.

He made famous expressions that today are part of our popular culture. Who does not remember the litany of insults? Abrazafarolas, lametraserillos, correveidiles, chupópteros, soplagaitas, meapilas… Not to mention phrases that became legendary as: “The data eye”, “For tape”, “Bomb information”.

José María García and his “SuperGarcia”

For many years was the master of night radio, no one wanted to miss the program 'SúperGarcía’ to see who gave his presenter sticks. As self José María García He said in an interview with Paco Large in Vintage connection the TVE: “I always looked for the public to know the truth. In Spanish sport were the best athletes. High office used to be occupied by a bunch of gulfs with grateful stomachs, (Here's another of his legendary phrases) teachers of good food and drink best professors”.

Throughout his career he had several run-ins with numerous sports personalities. One of the most famous was the then president of the RFEF, Pablo Porta, which José María García I used to go in your program as: “Pablo, Pablito, pablete”. To prove that the leader of the Spanish football was charging personal expenses to the federation released a video in which he saw the driver of Porta walk your dog and take his wife to the hairdresser.

In the interview with Paco Large, Garcia gave his opinion on Florentino Perez, President of Real Madrid, unashamedly, true to: “Currently it is more difficult to be President of the United States that Real Madrid. It's a real dictatorship. Florentino Perez is, definitely, the worst president in the history of the set target”.

Why did they call him “Butanito”?

Also it took time to explain the origin of his nickname. According to Garcia was the director of the newspaper Pueblo which put him affectionately: “I called Butanito because, obviously, I do not measure 1.90 and also he had a couple of jackets that color butane I had to use more than one occasion at some stage of Russia and Belgrade were below zero”. Of course, the enemies of García used this moniker of a derogatory and butane derived Butanito.

Belgrade took precisely one of the most famous stories of José María García. The reporter attended the decisive match between Yugoslavia and Spain deciding which of the two teams would attend the World Argentina 1978. The Spaniards won by 0-1 (a result that would be final) Y Juanito, to be replaced, He waved off bounds. It was then a glass bottle head hit the front of the selection fell. Together with him, Colored butane jacket, He appeared journalist.

Juanito, I had a good relationship with García, he said after the game: “Dwarf, thanks to that I have the biggest head you have delivered you from receiving the Botellazo”.

José María García on scarf journalism

By last, the reporter had time to do a review of the current state of their profession: “I can not understand how today's journalists and even mainstream media managers appear unashamedly with his team scarf set. In all my years of practice I have never said what team I am. At the Calderon had to leave several times by the back door and at the Bernabeu long story. I asked about this and they told me that what rules are today clicks”.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

6 thoughts on “José María García: “Florentino Perez is the worst president in the history of Real Madrid”

  1. I liked it and I like Jose Maria, but why he not messed with Villar?. Florentino him and his presidency is true, I do not like it, but it has been great victories. Now sports journalism is true that I sold too submissive, Pena servility and not service interest or ethics.

  2. laughing. When not dancing to that played were bad. And as he was? How many claims lost? that has, that has…
    Florentino is simply the best of all. And money has generated a lot for Madrid. A nice, José María García what has been a lifelong correveidile ..,

  3. The whole reason that leads García,and everything goes out,the time is agreeing with him,Floren paid with money from all,although he knows that money can not do everything,and there are the news,it does not matter that Madrid goes blank,because they always bring out the first… With what it cost to bring the Spanish at the highest level,and how easy it's been uploaded,no journalists, are fans

  4. A long time ago he said that Florentino was the worst president in the history of Real Madrid, and time has proven him right, sportingly, Barca has beaten us in leagues in recent years. 20 years specifically since Florentino has been, removing the time spent by Ramón Calderón who won 2 leagues in a row , It is true that the good that we have gained 4 champions and I also say the worst president in the history of real Madrid and I say it sportingly, and I feel very sorry as a Madrid fan.

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