Last update August 1, 2020 by Javier Argudo
It is one of the photos that most attract us the attention of retro football. The Gomez Tube, goalkeeper Guadalajara Sports Club, sitting reading a magazine leaning next to the goalpost. What is the story behind that snapshot?
The Gomez tube He was one of the best Mexican goalkeepers of his time and, most likely, of the history of your country. goalkeeper, also, excelled in various sports such as volleyball and basketball. But nevertheless, where he made a name was in soccer, becoming an authentic idol and icon of one of the most important clubs in Mexico: Chivas de Guadalajara.
But nevertheless, as they tell, the young goalkeeper made the tests to enter the ranks of the other team in the city, the Atlas. Apparently, the coach of that time rejected his transfer. This fact caused Jaime Gomez from that moment on I would hate the red and black team.
The 5 May 1950, The keeper debuts with the striped shirt of the Chivas. Little by little he managed to establish himself as a starter and became part of one of the most winning teams in the history of Mexican soccer.. Aquel equipo fue conocido como ‘the champion‘ ya que logró 7 League titles in a span of 9 years.
But let's return to the famous photo that presides over this article. The 24 April 1955 The Classic was disputed between Chivas and Atlas. By then, the team of Gomez tube he was far superior to his rival and this was demonstrated on the pitch from the start. Within minutes the locals were due 3-0 and in that moment, the archer, I carry out his revenge. This is how the protagonist himself tells it:
"We were giving them a dance and we won 4-0 From the beginning. In the gallery someone sent me a magazine and I sat on one of the posts to read. It was a mockery, of course he kept an eye on the game did not neglect it, but they didn't come. The referee didn't even notice ”.
Of course, this prank of the goalkeeper caused the laughter of his fans, quite the opposite that it produced in the swollen rival that took it as an affront.
The Gomez tube retired in the year 1970, after wearing the shirts of other Mexican clubs like Monterrey, Deportivo Oro and Club de Fútbol Laguna. It was present in two World (1958 Y 1962) although he did not play any matches since the owner was another illustrious as Antonio ‘La Tota’ Carbajal, one of the few footballers who have played 5 World Cups in the history.
The 4 May 2008, Jaime ‘El Tubo’ Gómez, left us a victim of cancer. His history and image will remain forever in the memory of the Chivas fans and as a curiosity for the rest of football fans.
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