When he tried the shirt of Spain stopped being 'La Roja’

When he tried the shirt of Spain stopped being 'La Roja’
Formation of Spain to face the USSR on 30 May 1971 at the Lenin Stadium in Moscow (Doll)

Last update February 15, 2021 by Javier Argudo

The colors of the shirt of a certain football team are the most sacred. When it comes to a choice or even combined national thing becomes more important. But nevertheless, but surely it would be ideal, it seems impossible to separate politics from sport and in the case of Spain T-Shirt There was a time when 'The Red’ could change color forever.

As the vast majority of football fans know, the shirt that the Spanish football team has since its inception dress shirt Red color. At first the pants were white but soon would be replaced by blue. already 1920, Spain won the silver medal at the Olympic Games in Antwerp with that red shirt with a big yellow lion rampant chest. The red color of the shirt of Spain was elected by the then president Spanish Olympic Committee, the Lord Gonzalo de Figueroa y Torres.

On the occasion of the Spanish Civil War, in the years 30, ‘The Red’ He went on to play in some games completely white. The country was divided into two camps, national and Republicans and, like is logic, The red color was related to the second one.

At the meeting of the National Sports Council, it was agreed that players Spanish football team wear navy blue shirt and white pants and chest, the national emblem with its colors. stockings, They will also be in the national colors”.

After completion of the Civil war, with Nationalist victory, the Spanish team went on to use the blue shirt as, as we said, Red was representative of the Republican side who had been defeated. Some publications like the newspaper Above eco became news: “At the meeting of the National Sports Council, it was agreed that players Spanish football team wear navy blue shirt and white pants and chest, the national emblem with its colors. stockings, They will also be in the national colors”.

This decision was maintained until 1947 in which the General Moscardó, National Delegate of Sports, decided that Spain T-Shirt again be red. Something that has thus continued to the present, yes, with various attempts at change.

Without going further, in the years 60, Spain played the first European Championship history (1960) until the quarterfinals as luck would have had a match against the USSR. Francisco Franco Y Carrero Blanco flatly they refused to travel to the Spanish combined Soviet lands. Thus, the Spanish, that they had a genuine equipazo, They were eliminated and precisely rivals in the quarter were the champions.


Four years later, in 1964, Spain reached the final of the same competition. his rival, to make matters worse, again the USSR. The Soviet team came to Santiago Bernabeu to play more than one game. The shirt of Spain in that final was blue. The Soviets dressed in red. Everything in order for the regime. Spaniards picked up the win 2-1 with the historic goal of Marcelino four minutes from the end.

As we say, there was great pressure to Spain T-Shirt happen to be blue permanently. One of the most insisted on this matter was Carrero Blanco, right hand Franco and second most important man of the regime, but, Finally, It was dissuaded from this idea.

Even so, the shirt of Spain also continued to speak in the years 70. A 30 May 1971 the team played for the first time in history a game in Lenin Stadium in Moscow. The rival, again, the USSR. There the Spanish expedition traveled with technical Ladislao Kubala to the head. That game was key because one of the two will achieve qualification for Euro 1972 and the other would be.

T Spain
Kubala, Spanish coach, Topping the Red (The newspaper)

Spain I intended to play with her red shirt and so he reported, thus, the USSR He would have to do with his second white (at that time was the local color changing). Finally, Spaniards took the field completely blue. Again, colors were used politically. The home side put themselves victory 2-1 and they were present at the European Championships.

Since then, blue shirt has been used as a second or alternative by the Spanish selection. As we say, It was with was achieved the first Euro 1964 and the first World, many years later, in South Africa 2010.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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