The best quotes from George Best

The best quotes from George Best
George Best, icon and legend of Manchester United (Getty Images)

Last update November 25, 2019 by Javier Argudo

George Best It is an icon for lovers of football. In the history of the sport they have been very few players with natural talent who had the Ulsterman who is considered by many as one of the greatest footballers of all time. But nevertheless, to its high quality and footballing fame joined his hobby (or rather addiction) alcohol and the 'bad life'. Best always he recognized his passion for the party, women and their need for 'tipple’ but even for that I had that dose of genius as evidenced by some of his best lines we collect below:


  • “He had a small house near the sea, but to go to the beach had to go through in front of a bar, I never bathed me”.
  • Every time I walk into a room there 50 people willing to invite me to drink and I can not say no”.
  • My biggest goal was that my father thought I was the best and think”.
  • Once I stopped drinking. Were the 20 worst minutes of my life”.
  • When I go, people will forget all the crap and just remind me of football”.
  • Not true to lie down with 6 miss World. Were only 3″.
  • “I give all the champagne I drank in my life to play with him at Old Trafford (in reference to Eric Cantona).
  • “I spent a lot of money on cars, Women and Alcohol, the rest is wasted”.
  • “I finally managed to stop drinking, but only while I sleep”.
  • You do not know it off with his left foot, not a header, not retrieve balls and score many goals, other than that it's fine” (On David Beckham).

Legend Manchester United finally he died 25 November 2005 to the 59 year old. In the 'Red Devils’ He formed a historical trident known as Holy Trinity (the Holy Trinity) beside Bobby Charlton Y Denis Law winning important titles among which the first European Cup club. At the individual level was named Ballon d'Or 1968.



Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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