The 5 most mythical goals in World Cup history

The 5 most mythical goals in World Cup history
Maradona scored one of the best goals in the history of the World Cups in Mexico 86. PHOTO:

Last update January 20, 2022 by colgadosporelfutbol

Soccer is a sport of emotions, of which many revolve around a precise moment: The goal. further, In a discipline with so much tradition and history behind it, we can find many goals that will always be remembered.. Several of them have occurred, precisely, in one of its most characteristic competitions. In this article, we will remember the 5 most mythical goals of world.

And is that, as indicated from Botemanía, exist 5 goals in World Cup history that have marked a before and after, remaining forever etched in the retina of all those football fans who experienced them or have met them later.

The 5 most mythical goals in World Cup history

The ‘Maradona Ride’

In Mexico 86 there was a play that to this day is still considered by many to be the best goal of all time. The protagonist was Diego Armando Maradona.

That England - Argentina quarterfinal shone with its own light and went around the entire planet thanks to a devilish ride by the 'fluff'. Maradona grabbed the leather in the center of the field and dribbled rivals in his path to put the signature on a goal from another Galaxy. There is nothing more than listening to the narration of Víctor Hugo Morales to realize the transcendence of that action.

Later, and as a finishing touch, Argentina would end up conquering that World Cup.

Gheorghe Hagi, the smartest in the class

Maybe a lot of people don't remember this goal, but the truth is that it was very beautifully made. Romania and Colombia made their debut in the 94' World Cup in the United States in a clash where the Romanian Gheorghe Hagi took a shot from the side of his sleeve, of over 30 meters, that ended in the rival goal.

A bit that gave a lot to talk about on that date and during the following days, since Hagi showed class and rascality. Oscar Córdoba, Colombian goalkeeper, I didn't expect to be portrayed like that.

Saeed Al-Owairan emulando a Maradona

The World Cup in the United States gave a lot. Apart from Hagi's aforementioned goal, We also witnessed how a player from Saudi Arabia dressed up as Maradona.

It was Al-Owairan who managed to repeat a feat similar to Maradona's gallop, in a clash of his team against Belgium. traveled more than 50 meters with the ball, leaving opponents behind with devilish speed and culminating with a shot that ended with the leather at the bottom of the net.

Roberto Baggio hizo vibrar in Italy

Italy and the world football have always been closely related, maintaining a relationship that has ended with several celebrations by the transalpine country. Not only at the level of titles, but also in terms of celebrating authentic goals.

Without going further, the 'azzurra' parish of a certain age surely remembers that fanciful action of Rober Baggio in the years 90, when the World Cup took place on Italian soil.

Baggio was in charge of 'finishing' a collective play of his own where, after several combinations, the ball reached his feet, entered the area, he feinted and beat the Czechoslovakian goalkeeper low.

James Rodriguez: the most recent work

Despite what it may seem from what has been said so far, in the recent history of the World Cups there have also been many goals of a beautiful aesthetic.

In fact, in the year 2014 in Brazil, James Rodríguez left a simply spectacular pearl.

Uruguay and Colombia were fighting for a place in the quarterfinals in a match where James opened the can with a rarely seen goal. The coffee '10' received the ball beyond the crescent of the area, He controlled his chest, heading towards the goal and connected a shot that missed the Uruguayan goalkeeper.

That target was the pinnacle of a year to frame by James, which earned him so that great teams from the European continent will stare at him, including Real Madrid, who ended up signing him.

These have been, In our opinion, the 5 most mythical goals in the World Cup, but surely there are many others that could be included in this list of legends, fitting perfectly. It's more, there is a very characteristic goal baptized as the 'illuminated goal', given the strange phenomenon that occurred during her gestation. The Chilean legend Elías Figueroa was its author, and you can find more information about it here.

Carlos Garrido

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