Wilfred Agbonavbare, the legendary goalkeeper Ray to which we will never forget

Wilfred Agbonavbare, the legendary goalkeeper Ray to which we will never forget
Door number 1 of Vallecas Stadium is named Wilfred (Playgroundmag)

Last update August 29, 2023 by colgadosporelfutbol

There are stories that one would get to the heart. Definitely, of Wilfred Agbonavbare, the legendary goalkeeper Vallecano Ray in the early 90, is one of them.

Nigerian goalkeeper arrived in the Spanish League this season 1990-1991. By then, the set of Vallecas militated in Second Division. Wilfred He managed to take the title and was a key player to return to the set of the red strip to the top flight of football campaign after.

Two seasons in First, I again relegation to the Second and rise immediately. 6 seasons defending the colors of a team that would you like ring finger. Wilfred It was one in Vallecas. People greeted him on the street and his goodness and closeness were on everyone's lips, including their own colleagues. One of them was Share, captain and club legend, I always had good words to him: “Willy is the best person I've ever met. We were inseparable, we spent the day together”. He said in an interview The confidential.

the cancerbero, which it became international with Nigeria, still he had time to wear the shirt of the Écija in the second season of the Andalusian team in the Second Division in the campaign 1996-1997. But nevertheless, after hanging up the gloves, the trouble began for the good of Wilfred.

Wilfred in Vallecas dress chulapo to a report by the newspaper Marca.

Wilfred's Tragedy

First it was his wife who suffered a serious illness. The goal invested all their efforts (and savings) to try to save her life but she died. Wilfred She had to find work. He was an employee of a courier company and also worked at the Barajas airport, as can be seen in a chapter of ‘The Undercover Boss‘. But nevertheless, life again hit harshly.

A goalkeeper was diagnosed with bone cancer. Knowing that his condition was serious did everything possible for their children (who were in Nigeria) travel to Spain to bid them farewell. The Vallecano Ray did his part contributing financially to fund the expensive trip. Even the elderly neighbor of Vallecas received financial support from the club to avoid being evicted returned half of the aid received to collaborate with Willy.

Unfortunately, tragedy to add to this sad story, Wilfred He died on 27 of January of 2015, a day before the arrival of their children who had to delay their trip due to a problem with the visas. So we left one of the most charismatic players of the 90 in Spanish football. The door number 1 of the Vallecas Stadium takes her man accompanied by a photograph.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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