Andrés Jaso, another tragic story of the Spanish Civil War

Andrés Jaso, another tragic story of the Spanish Civil War
Andrés Jaso poses with Valencia CF T-shirt, one of its teams (@NosRobaronEl)

Last update November 12, 2019 by Javier Argudo

My name is Aurea, I am the daughter of Aurelio Jaso Garde who died on the front in Madrid, is it is missing. Andrés am niece Jaso Garde who was killed in Asturias, is it is missing. I niece of Joseph Jaso Garde who was killed in Torrero, is it is missing. I remember the widows and mothers, they not killed but neither lived. We, children, We have also suffered a lot, We have been marked. But they raised us without rancor without revenge, but not forgotten. When you collect the statements of repair and staff recognition will not reopen wounds, the'll close. Remind him to remember you and other.


The Bardenas Reales are a semidesert natural place of a 42.000 hectares that spans southwestern Navarra. Its soils are sandstone, gypsum and clay, materials that give the characteristic golden tone to a unique place in highlighting the lonely hills or cabezos, some surprising figures created by the effect of erosion and seem to show a living earth, squirming lonely and heartbreaking way up into the sky in the form of prayer.

Twenty-two municipalities limit the Bardenas. On its western side sits Mélida, a small town mainly agricultural that, in the early thirties, It reached its maximum number of inhabitants 1400, although the possession of the land lay only two families. This noble land ownership made the situation in the village would become highly unstable after proclaiming the Republic. The laborers were organized to demand the expropriation.

Among those drawn perpendicular streets, typical of medieval plannings, quietly lived the family Jaso Garde. A humble family of a couple and their five children, to the early, live oblivious to everything that was coming.


Andrew was the third son Jaso Garde. He was at school until the age of fourteen, a time when the family had few resources but not to the child away from his greatest passion. In the absence of a ball, Andrés kicked everything was, "You do not win for espadrilles" said his mother Demetria.

Soon dawns team playing in the village. When he was just 18 years, the capital club, Osasuna, it card to complete their squad before the ilusionante season opening of the Spanish League. But Andrew Jaso abandon their land soon, football offered tempting opportunities.

Football has a lot of nomadism and Andrew it was "

We stole football. 17/08/2019

Zaragoza, Sabadell, Valencia… but when the season finale came, Jaso always came home. I did triumphantly by the Zumalakarregi Avenue of Melida and Republican. The kids ran to see close to that neighbor idolized that featured their collections of matchboxes illustrated.

In 1935, to not having the necessary opportunities in a first division Valencia, signed for Sporting Gijon. Asturian dispute with its most exciting season to date, They rub the first promotion to first division. Jaso had a promising performance, He scored eight goals in twelve games played before falling injured. However it will not be the knee injury which put an end to his career.


summer 1936, political and social tension is rising across the country. Asturias, Pamplona Mélida… arrive 18 of July, comes the military coup. The peasants have nothing, need not fear. But the first days of the uprising are bloody in Navarra, arrests occur, They multiply the killings.

News travels fast. The older brother, Aurelio, flees the village. Escape the Bardenas. He leaves behind his wife and three young children, his father and his mother. Not know will not see them again. Ignores which is the last trip to the Bardenas, no return, that never again kiss his daughter, the waiting night after night fighting him sleep, which, enraptured by the landscape of the desert, He had named Aurea -dorada-.

Shortly after, José, the youngest son, It is recruited by the national side. He is forced to enlist Sanjurjo and the third place to Zaragoza.

The weeks, months, no news of any of the three. Hope remains with the unconsciousness of the dimension of the tragedy, The news will come with time, with silence.

Joseph was shot along with other 225 Republican front of the Military Academy of Zaragoza. Aurelio crossed the Bardenas and managed to get to Republican territory, die in November 1936 defending Madrid. Andrew never came news, just disappeared.


The Jaso family was buried and marked. Forced to live with the doors and windows open, to wave a white rag in his car. Demetria never overcame the loss of their children. He lived crying. He never stopped doing so. "She cried so much that was blind," says his granddaughter Áurea.

Small grew full of doubts. Why so many tears?, Why did not father?, Why did not guys? Eventually he began to seek explanations, news, places, tombs and graves. Golden became a lonely hill, torn by grief, the silence in the middle of desert; in a golden cabezo It is towering over the desert of despair left by the war.

He found testimonies and documents that clarify the final steps of Aurelio and José. Something managed to allay concern but deepens despite not being able to move their bodies with it.

It also found Andres news. The player decided to change the football field for battle. His name disappeared from the chronicles of the few parties and trainings conducted by the Sporting Gijon while appearing in the list of militants who composed the "Battalion Galicia". Little else is known, the fog of uncertainty covers his tracks. The indications that must follow the escape of the militants towards the Basque Country. Which ran for Cangas de Onis, Villa cruelly besieged by the Condor Legion.

Nobody knows what really happened with that player admired by a people, who he focused the attention of all residents on visits spattered home laden with gifts. These are all assumptions that grow uncontrollably bitterness of a family still bleeding from the wound oblivion.

I know where my Uncle Andrew. I'll die without passing page "

Receive Aure. New Spain. 09/09/2019

Jose Quesada

Historian, Grenadian and granadinista. In search of the "anti-heroes" of the League, because they are the grim stories that give a touch legendary football. Puedes seguirme en @JxQuesada Autor de “Los Antihéroes del Granada C.F.”

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