The most extravagant presidents of the year 90 in Spanish League

The most extravagant presidents of the year 90 in Spanish League
The most extravagant presidents

Last update April 18, 2024 by colgadosporelfutbol

Still today presidents very peculiar in Spanish league, but nevertheless, nothing to do with those who took power in some teams in our league in the late 80 and during the decade of the 90. They staged images unthinkable today in football and society, although sometimes it does not seem, It has evolved quite.

The most extravagant and geeky presidents of the years 90 in Spanish football


Jesus Gil
Jesus Gil, Atletico Madrid president, He starred in some of the most surreal images of presidents of Spanish football. It was probably the most media impact had. Some say even faked his own death. (Photo: The Spanish)


Presidents 90
Ruiz Mateos, Rayo Vallecano chaired and was a whirlwind in the media. His image Superman dress at the door of the courthouse it was mythical and unrepeatable (


Presidents 90
Manuel Ruiz de Lopera, idolized by some, hated by others, It was also a very peculiar type. He made and unmade for many years in the club being absolute master bético (Masquefootball)


Jose Maria Caneda a president with a starring role in 90. Pictured next to another classic as Real Madrid Ramon Mendoza. His fight with Jesus Gil at the headquarters of the League It was one of the most embarrassing moments of Spanish football (The voice of Galicia)

Joan Gaspart (FC BARCELONA)

Joan Gaspart
Joan Gaspart one of the most freaks list. Image with a swim in the Thames after winning the first European Cup at Wembley (


Paco Roig
Paco Roig could not miss in this list. President of the Valencia was always very 'arsonist’ with his statements. To remember Lubo Penev their anger with the box of Mestalla which ended with his fists (Brand)

Fortunately or unfortunately these presidents passed into history of football but there is no doubt that part of those decades in which it was very easy to identify with their teams. We miss them, it is undeniable.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

2 thoughts on “The most extravagant presidents of the year 90 in Spanish League

  1. You forget about Ramón Mendoza who made statements in public that were very out of place..

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