When the winter was runner Compostela

When the winter was runner Compostela
Fabiano in Compos-Depor ended with victory 4-0 for compostelanos (The voice of Galicia)

Last update January 5, 2020 by Javier Argudo

Recently and wrote about the Golden Age of the SD Compostela which went from Third Division to First in a very short time and remained in the top flight of Spanish football for four consecutive seasons. Today we would like to focus especially on the season 1995-1996 in which he Galicians made a feat worthy of being counted.


This was the second season of the SD Compostela in First and goal it was once again, as it could not be otherwise, permanence. But the team could not start the championship best. The draw had provided two consecutive derbis, against him Celtic in the first round and against Depor in the second.

The group led by Fernando Vázquez He surprised everyone with two wins against his relatives. He first beat 0-1 in balaídos with a goal of Bellido and then bingeing goleando to Dépor gave 4-0 in Saint Lazarus with two goals from Fabiano, one of José Ramón (who faced his brother Fran) and another Ohen one of the best games in its history.

The days were advancing and the albiceleste team gave no signs of loosening. Without going any further the FC Barcelona He fell in Saint Lazarus in the day 10 by 2-1 with goals from Fire Y Christensen (who finished the season with 11 Y 12 goals respectively) and the first round ended with 7 wins 8 parties being defeated only by the Atletico Madrid at Calderon.


Atletico was precisely the winter champion 49 points followed by SD Compostela which achieved 42 and it was the only one who could more or less keep up with the mattress in the first round. Atletico finally he managed the historic double League and Cup.

The second round, as expected, the Galician side was deflating especially a problem deep bench. Eleven guy knew all fans of Spanish football at the time and was made up Falagán, Mauro, Nacho, Villena, Bellido, Jose Ramon, Fabiano, Steps, Lekunberri, Fire y Christensen. Remember that this was the League of 22 teams and that the competition was made very long to Galician.

Compos finally ended a more than worthy tenth, being the best season in its history and enjoy doing your hobby with a lively and attractive football that made dream of a possible qualification for European competition that ultimately could not be.


Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

4 thoughts on “When the winter was runner Compostela

  1. Great article except that this year was no League 22 teams. That 95-96 was that of the “administrative decline” Celta and Sevilla, repescados then partly thanks to popular pressure, and thus leaving the 96-97 with 22 teams

    1. yes it was the league of 22 teams, or rather the first of the 2 leagues that had 22 teams. The descent of Celta and Sevilla occurs in the summer of 1995, rethinking Albacete and Valladolid and again Celta and Sevilla after social pressure. The Compostela endured in the leading trio until March (working day 28, I was third with 9 rental points on the sixth), chaining 7 defeats in 8 matches, when accusing the shortness of the staff, and thus losing the dream of playing in Europe

  2. That season we from Compos enjoyed a lot because, in addition to the good results, the team played a very attractive game.

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