Best Swedish Soccer Players in History

Best Swedish Soccer Players in History
The selection of Sweden made history in World USA 1994 (The world)

Last update March 2, 2020 by Javier Argudo

Throughout history there have been excellent Swedish footballers. Not in vain, Selecting this country has signed major performances in several world like 1958, in which they hosted and achieved the runner-up after losing in the final against Brazil. further, They have been third in editions of Italy 1938, Brazil 1950 and the United States 1994.

As we say, is difficult to choose only one, important names as we left out. These are, in our view, the best Swedish players history:


Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Zlatan Ibrahimovic's shirt Sweden (Trade)

For many, the best footballer of all time Swedish. Not in vain, Zlatan is the top scorer in the history of the Swedish national team. A tremendous quality footballer who has played in important clubs like Ajax, Juventus, Inter, Milan O Barça among others. One of a kind.


Thomas Ravelli
Thomas Ravelli, a special kind.

One of the figures of that generation that made history in the World US 1994. Curdled goalkeeper great performances and 'bailecitos’ in penalty shoot-outs made him famous. A Swedish football legend.


One of the best Swedish Soccer Players in History, without a doubt. Nordahl It was the star of the team that won Olympic gold in London 1948. His great records scorers allowed to sign him for the AC Milan, something that forced him to leave the team because the rules prevented professional footballers play with Sweden. It is the top scorer in the history of the Rossoneri.

Nils Liedholm

Another big that formed front with Nordahl. Nils Liedholm He was also Olympic champion 1948 and runner-up in the World 1958. He also triumphed in the AC Milán, not only as a player but as coach of the team.

Best Swedish footballers
Gunnar Nordahl, Nils Liedholm y Gunnar Gren, 3 Swedish that marked a time Milan (Milan Addicts)

Tomas Brolin

Impossible to forget that summer of 1994 in which Sweden She reached the semifinals of the World. In that team he highlighted a player with boyish pranks that made true with the ball. Tomas Brolin It was one of the best of your choice and then also shone in teams like Parma.

Brolin Sweden
Brolin celebrates a goal with his selection (Guioteca)


Swedish football legend. jovencísimo Henrik Larsson He highlighted in the aforementioned World 1994 where he unveiled. From there was a reference in the teams that were lucky enough to have him. Helsingborg, Feyernoord, Celtic, Barça, Manchester United

the best Swedish players
Larsson in United States 1994.

We do not want to end this article without remembering other Swedish players who deserve to appear among the best in the history of this country. Fredrick Ljunberg, It was a very important player in the selection and won at Arsenal. Martin Dahlin had a very prominent role in the team that finished third in 1994 and triumphed in Malmö and especially in the Borussia Monchengladbach German. By last, but not least, Arders Svensson, Swedish footballer most capped (148 matches played).

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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