A flare kills hincha the Spanish joven en Sarria

A flare kills hincha the Spanish joven en Sarria
A rocket killed a child in Sarria 1992. Photo: As.com

Last update April 12, 2020 by Javier Argudo

We get serious to remember this tragic event occurred one 15 March 1992 at Sarrià stadium, old house RCD Espanyol.

That day the meeting was played between the home side and Cádiz CF Spanish Primera Division. Just before the match starts, coinciding with the exit to the pitch of both sets, a madman fired a flare marine warnings from the tribune of the stadium reached the bottom and was struck in the chest of a child 13 years, William Lazarus, I was going that evening to a football match for the first time.

Despite the efforts of his father, who suffered burns on his hands trying to remove the bullet from his chest to his son, Guillem ended up dying on the way to the hospital. Incredibly, The match was played despite everything and Espanyol He beats 3-1. The media echoed the news that shocked the world of Spanish sport.

franc Vila, author of the launch of the flare, He was just a few weeks in prison and finally, the judge decided that the RCD Espanyol He had to compensate with 40 million pesetas to the family of the deceased child as subsidiary civil responsibility. Thereafter flares were banned in stadiums.

It is sad that had to happen a tragedy of such magnitude to reach this ban though still today, continue to see Kaffirs who insist on putting this stuff in a stadium.

At Estadio Sarria magical nights and glory days were lived. We can say, without fear of contradiction, that is the special field for all fans perica, but nevertheless, well to remember this tragic event to try to prevent it happening again.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

2 thoughts on “A flare kills hincha the Spanish joven en Sarria

  1. I was there, and I use the word “madman” with the guilty, it's not fair. It was a mistake to take up his whole life, but it remembers that to which calificáis of energúmeno, is a parent who at that very moment was with her two small children in the lower part of the new grandstand, when the facts occurred. Not knowing what was carrying was not a flare for 'tifos’ but a marine distress flare, typically up to a kilometer high, It indicates violence that hit the boy's chest. I make this small section as a partner of the EU ETS since more than 40 years, I follow, Even today, explaining the case, for a quarter century later, misinformation makes many people still believe it was an act ultras product of many undesirables who still suffer in many stadiums. regards.

  2. We'll see…a manual madman to say the least. As he himself explains, he introduced the flares while hiding... he fired one and hit a spectator even so, and yet he dared to launch another with the result that we all know.

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