Traveling to the United States to become a good soccer player is possible

Traveling to the United States to become a good soccer player is possible

Last update November 10, 2022 by colgadosporelfutbol

become one of the best soccer players in the world It is a dream that many crave from their early childhood.. But nevertheless, not everyone makes it. In fact, the vast majority do not, and is that talent is not enough. As with many other professions, Soccer requires adequate physical preparation to which time must be devoted. The sport, music, the art… are areas in which daily effort is key to achieving certain results. Apart from said record, it is also necessary to have a certain economic stability, since they are not very affordable disciplines for the pocket of the majority. However, today it is possible to receive the appropriate training to end up standing out in football. The scholarships at University Soccer constitute the way through which hundreds of young people, from countries around the world (Spain included), They get scholarships to grow in sports, without leaving aside an academic training that takes place in parallel. In this article we explain what they consist of.


What characterizes University Soccer?

University Soccer is an agency sports scholarships for men's and women's soccer. The scholarships they offer are aimed at those who wish to specialize in soccer (football). To deliver the training, They have teams of psychologists., physical trainers and nutritionists with work experience in La Liga clubs. In fact, the former striker of F. C. Barcelona, David Villa, collaborates with University Soccer. The soccer academy itself is linked to American professional teams that each year select several scholarship players to try the game on the professional field to which they aspire. This is, apart from a way to gain experience on the pitch itself, a way to be signed by a club. That is to say, scholarship players have the possibility of signing professional contracts with those clubs that bet on the player.

What is the student's profile??

It is essential that the student has the necessary aptitude to play soccer. Most of those who apply for these scholarships have some time of experience coaching. A requirement is that you are federated in a club. Another requirement is to have prior academic training., with which the qualifications obtained in the last years of study must be presented. The third requirement is proficiency in the English language., essential for the scholarship to be approved and for the person to be able to move from their country to the US. The language becomes important because it is a guarantee that the student will be able to continue with the academic and sports training corresponding without any problem. By last, something key is that the student is willing to make studies and training compatible, that is to say, must abide by the schedule that is established and comply with the same.

What are the benefits of studying soccer with a scholarship??

Some of the advantages are:

  • Personal development, academic and sports hand in hand with high level professionals.
  • learning of english as a Second Language, apart from the mother tongue.
  • All expenses are covered: Registration, accommodation and feeding.
  • possibility of graduate from the best universities (The United States has first-rate academic centers, internationally recognized. The vast majority of universities have their own soccer teams that compete professionally. These teams are organized into leagues.. The most relevant are: the NCAA and the NAIA.

Which scholarship to choose?

The University Soccer agency offers two programs adapted to the needs and budget of each player's family: the wembley program and the Maracana. The former is easier than the latter. Maracana program, much more complete. The latter includes a visit to the university in the United States where the future professional soccer player will be trained prior to accepting the scholarship.. further, if a change of university is required, the modification would be made free of charge. Otherwise, both programs offer the same benefits in terms of physicians, psychologists and coaches.

David Villa: his academy, his method

DV7 Academy It is the soccer academy that the ex-player of the F. C. Barcelona opened a few years ago. The method used is the same as the one that David Villa carried out since he started playing in his childhood. It is an effective modality that the player himself perfected in his training sessions with world-renowned figures such as: Luis Aragones, Pep Guardiola, Vicente del Bosque and Diego Simeone. The DV7 Academy has its headquarters in Spain, and with other locations in: Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, California, NY, Canada and China. Regarding the summer season, features soccer camps for kids of 5 a 14 years. further, is sponsored by Queensboro.



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