When Fernando Hierro was presented as player… Atletico Madrid!

When Fernando Hierro was presented as player… Atletico Madrid!
Fernando Hierro en su 'presentación' como jugador del Atlético de Madrid (capture Youtube)

Last update August 11, 2023 by colgadosporelfutbol

The story that we bring you today is most surreal. When one hears the name of Fernando Hierro the first thing that comes to mind is his long career in the Real Madrid from the Real Valladolid as well as the Spanish selection. But nevertheless, this story could change in the late 80 when Malaga was practically signed by the Atletico Madrid.

Fernando Hierro He had tried their luck in the team of his land, by then CD Málaga, but it was discarded. Apparently, that front (his position at that time) It was too puny. Thus, the player packed his bags and was signed by the Real Valladolid he did play him in the subsidiary. logically, not soon stand out and make the leap to the first team pucelano.

With 19 years the Andalusian already showed brash and brutal projection. further, His character and his leadership were unworthy of a lad of his age what caught the attention of several clubs. After two very good seasons Zorrilla It was Atletico Madrid Jesus Gil which he was ahead of all and got his move. yes, the most surreal way possible.

The presentation of Fernando Hierro

Before a game between the two teams Vicente Calderón, Fernando Hierro, that day's play, He wanted to wish luck to their peers. It was the day 36 National League Championship 1988-1989 and it was then that the Malaga got the news. His team had just transfer to the club mattress without your opinion.

Video of 'presentation’ of Fernando Hierro with red and white shirt of the Athletic issued in the legendary program Study Stage It is a gem. In it we can see that the player himself is surprised by the operation, He says feel a little merchandise and still does not give closed the transfer to the 100% to talk with the leaders of both clubs for details.

But all this bizarre story has only just begun. Apparently, the intention of the Atletico Madrid was that Fernando Hierro continue a year on loan Pucela. Something that did not convince the player. It was then that the figure of Ramon Mendoza, President of Real Madrid, to put more sauce to this story.

The watches of Jesus Gil

The maximum Madrid president offered a contract to the player with immediate incorporation into the template merengue, something that was accepted by Iron. Thus, the Real Madrid closed the signing for an amount close to 300 million pesetas. A figure not insignificant for the time. But… What about Jesus Gil and the Atletico Madrid? logically, the thing does not end here.

Atletico president was furious and reported the case to the LFP. Finally, the mattress club received compensation of about 30 million pesetas about. And now it is when it comes good. What he invested that money Jesus Gil? Neither short nor lazy, commissioned a 50.000 watches that gave all members of the club. In each watch was an inscription that read: “Gift Don Ramon” (referring to Mendoza).

The rest, is history. Fernando Hierro He became one of the best center of his era. He wore the shirt of the Real Madrid during 14 seasons in which he captained in many. More of 600 official parties and 127 plus goals scored numerous titles: 5 Suspenders, 3 Champions League, 2 Intercontinentales, 1 Copa del Rey, 5 And Supercopa of Spain 1 Europe. He also played for Spain in 81 occasions.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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