Carmelo, the Bay Beckenbauer

Carmelo, the Bay Beckenbauer
Carmelo, the Beckenabuer of the Bay, one of those players from the 90 that we remember in the league. PHOTO:Brand

Last update March 30, 2021 by colgadosporelfutbol

Carmelo, also know as The Beckenbauer Bay’, It was one of those legendary players of the year 90 that had little to do with the metrosexual football players today with perfectly bronzed, modeled based fitness, tattooed, almost impossible trendy hairstyles, without hair and beards and eyebrows Profiled.

But nevertheless, the passing of 30 They have in mind that other football was worn on his childhood, the one where the players were not billionaires niñatos, bratty and worried about their image.

Carmelo Cadiz CF
Carmelo in cromos League. Photo:

A tall, scrawny, ungainly, bald with hair at the temples and A large mustache. A guy with dark circles, hairs on the legs and with 28 he looked 54 (and very punished) but they left everything on the lawn. A currante of those football abounded in both League Spanish business creates millions away from the stars today. Born in Murcia 1959, Carmelo, Kaiser Bay played in the Salamanca, Betis and Recreativo de Huelva With gaditanos played nothing more and nothing less than 244 parties said soon. And all this after overcoming two serious injuries.

Carmelo, the Beckenbauer of the Bay and the best Cádiz in history

With his mustache wind and its more than incipient alopecia, Carmelo, He was the leader of the best Cádiz history kept getting in the First Division for many years (although almost always agonizing way). A team in highlighting some illustrious players like Mejias, Magico Gonzalez, Carmelo, Szendrei, Cortijo, Barla, Linares, Quevedo, Kiko and Juan José who returned after playing in the Real Madrid.

Carmelo and Magico Gonzalez
Carmelo and Magic in training of Cádiz. Photo:

In the same year World USA 94, Carmelo He ended his long career 35 years. Later, It was commentator for games Second Canal + but only one time. Then made it over the family business now runs wine, Recalling another mustachioed the hearth 80-90, As the This Abbey, who has a cheese business in Logrono. Players before, of those who could be your neighbor fifth.

Alberto Llopis

Director of Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in and Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me at @colgadosfutbol

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