Equipment and twinned hobbies Spanish football

Equipment and twinned hobbies Spanish football
Twinning between Betis and Sporting hobbies is one of the best-known Spanish football (Information)

Last update March 24, 2024 by colgadosporelfutbol

In the world of football there great rivalries but also huge friendships. In this article we will review some equipment and twinned hobbies Spanish football. As we can see, in most cases, there was a party or a very specific situation that made both swollen fraternize.

Equipos y aficiones hermandas del fútbol español


Twinning is one of the best-known Spanish football. In the season 1996-1997, the Real Sporting visited the Benito Villamarin need of points to get out of the relegation zone. Meanwhile, the home side were playing for nothing were already qualified for European competition. The significance of the case is that a victory would send sportinguista Sevilla (bético eternal rival) virtually Second Division.

A lonely gol de Cheryshev Asturian meant for the 0-1 final that, eventually, He saved fell to Sporting and Sevilla. Betis fans celebrated the goal as if his team were.

From that moment, we can talk about hobbies hermanadas. In fact, years later, both teams won promotion to the First Division. Again Sporting, Points needed, the win before a Betis First it was already.


Hobbies of the Real Madrid Y RCD Espanyol share their hatred for FC Barcelona. On several occasions they have played games in which, somehow, They have helped each other to harm his arch rival. One of the most famous was that of the famous 'Tamudazo’. Parakeets managed a tie with a goal from its star at Camp Nou. That 'prick’ FC Barcelona assumed that Real Madrid will end up winning the league.


Unfortunately this game can no longer be held. The CD Logrones He ceased to exist for sadness of all lovers of retro football. yes, Valencia and La Rioja recently met again in the Cup of the King, this time with the UD Logroñés rival.

Twinning among the Mestalla and those of Las Gaunas season began 1986-1987. Logroño visited Valencia in a match in which not playing anything it had already managed to ascend to First few days before. Conversely, Logroñés points needed to accompany you to the top flight. victory, logically, He stayed home.

Since that day, every time the two teams faced, It was very common for the two hobbies organize meals and hangouts before games.


Each time the two teams face is a party in the stands. Hobbies Lightning Y Cádiz They are twinned for some time and, somehow, share values ​​and loyalty to two humble teams. It is common for both categories moving to the contrary stadium without any problems.


It is one of the most curious cases of this list. There was a time when both teams vied to the point of being the greatest enemies. The closeness between the two cities and the fact of not having a rival in his own city, He made have their pluses and minuses in the past.

But nevertheless, from years 90 onwards, the difficulties that both entities had to suffer, away from them away, He united forever. A Granada He plunged into depression play in Third Division received support from the Málaga, who played several games Los Carmenes who helped financially set Nazari. Since then, You can talk about hobbies hermanadas.


Another example that a party can change things. The 19 May 1996 pucelano traveled to Oviedo for a game vital to avoid relegation. Carbayones not playing anything, and it showed. The end result says it all: 3-8 for him Real Valladolid in the party with the most penalties in League history.

The great atmosphere in the stands of the old Carlos Tartiere, where there was a large number of followers vallisoletanos, He made the twinning between the two enduring hobbies today.


This time, twinning hobbies Sevilla Y Depor comes from afar. Specific, we must go back to the season 1991-1992. The set Gallego and Real Betis the faces were in a promotion that left the coruñeses in First and prevented the rise of verdiblancos. Sevilla fans celebrated this and both clubs were twinned since.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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