Major sanctions in the history of the Spanish League

Major sanctions in the history of the Spanish League
Pepe's aggression against Casquero, one of the most remembered of our football (BeSoccer)

Last update April 6, 2020 by Javier Argudo

We love football. Scored beautiful bill, passes unlikely or very aesthetic controls. But nevertheless, also it has violent actions that should eradicate. Today we remember some of them assumed tough sanctions to that conducted.


The largest fine in the history of Spanish football occurred in the season 1964-1965. The defense of Real Zaragoza, Joaquin Cortizo, He broke his leg footballer of Atletico Madrid, Enrique Collar.

Andoni Goikoetxea (18 MATCHES)

One of the most memorable actions of passage Maradona FC Barcelona was the chilling entry Goikoetxea. The defense of the Athletic Club de Bilbao caused injury to the Argentine star who had to be off the pitch 3 months. The Basque, received one of the biggest Spanish football sanctions: 18 matches.

that action, indirectly, It caused that months later, when both teams faced off in the Cup final 1984, a tremendous battle occurred between players of either team. Maradona, Clos, Migueli, Sarabia… They were sanctioned three months.

Barcelona Athletic 1984
Cup final 1984 He ended with a tremendous fight (The world)


A few years later, specifically in 1974, defender of the Granada, Pedro Fernández, He received a penalty of 15 matches. This time, the tackle was suffered in the flesh Real Madrid Amancio Amaro.


One of the most unjust sanctions and strange was that he received José Ceballos, goalkeeper Racing de Santander. The goalkeeper came to protest action at the referee Prados García. The referee feigned an attack and goalkeeper was banned for 12 matches. Finally, after seeing the images, They are reduced to the 8 meetings.

Prados García Ceballos
The referee Prados García just before the alleged assault of Ceballos (World arbitration)


the cancerbero, who was then active in the RCD Mallorca, He received a sanction 11 parties after leaving unconscious Serrano, forward Espanyol, after punch him.


One of the plays more 'media’ that remains in the memory of many fans is the brutal aggression Pepe, defense of Real Madrid, a Casquero, Getafe midfielder. The Portuguese went crazy and struck several kicks, Fortunately, They are causing no injury to the azulón player gravity.


Hristo Stoichkov He was always a very temperamental player. In a match between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, Bulgarian stepped intentionally to the referee of the match, Urizar Azpitarte. The Committee chastised the player with 6 months without being able to play but eventually the thing was in 2.

Other players who were punished with 5 parties were Diogo Y Luis Fabiano, after his fight unfortunate in Real Zaragoza-Sevilla back in 2009. A few years earlier, in the campaign 2004-2005, Javi Navarro he was 5 encounters outside the pitch after elbowing to the height of the nut to the Venezuelan Mallorca, Juan Arango. Surely, this time, the punishment was too lenient given the gravity of the action.




Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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