CD Leganés-Getafe, one derby in the world

CD Leganés-Getafe, one derby in the world
The referee Iturralde Gonzalez by Angelin and Dorado, Getafe and Leganés masters respectively, before derby 1995 (Photo: Mariano Callejo)

Last update January 17, 2020 by Javier Argudo

In Southern Madrid two locations have a special rivalry over the years. Leganés Getafe, so similar and so different at the same time both as regards the city as their respective football clubs: The CD Leganés and the Getafe CF.

The standoff between the two sets has always been special and has lived with a great rivalry among its inhabitants. Leganés and Getafe are two towns with a similar population (187.000 Y 177.000 inhabitants respectively) separated by just a few kilometers that are characterized as dormitory towns of south of the capital of Spain.

Pepineros And azulones

But nevertheless, of all the derbies of the world, This has a condition that makes it unique. So much pepineros as azulones They have seen the faces in all categories of Spanish football. Since Regional second to First Division going, like is logic, third, Second and Second B.

In his day, back in the years 70 Y 80, the party was very special for both the interests of both teams and players that almost entirely defended the team jersey of their city, something that has been lost, like is logic, over the years and as both clubs have been growing and reaching the elite of Spanish football.

Gone are those parties in the Miguel Rodriguez Y The daisies, name of the former camps of both teams. derbies who came to play in playgrounds with sand and grass now they compete in next generation. Impossible to forget historical players like Angelín or Dorado, captains Getafe CF Y CD Leganés respectively or other like Belenguer, Pachon and Vivar Dorado, who defended both t.

Was the Getafe CF the first to reach the First division besides disputing European competition and even play two finals of Copa del Rey losing both. Now both they enjoy the elite of Spanish football and just want to relive those derbies regional in memory.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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