oleg Salenko, the striker who made history at the World Cup USA '94

oleg Salenko, the striker who made history at the World Cup USA '94
Oleg Salenko made history with his 5 goals to cameroon in 1994 (Photo: as.com)

Last update April 14, 2020 by Javier Argudo

When we review the top scorers in world history, some names come to mind like Just Fontaine and their 13 goals scored in the World Cup in Sweden 1958, O Miroslav Klose who is the top scorer in the history of the World Cups with 16. But nevertheless, Today we will talk about the player who scored the most goals in a single match in the history of the World Cups: oleg Salenko.

Russian striker, born in Leningrad in 1969, have the honor of having achieved 5 goals in a single match in the World US 1994, something that, Today, no one else has matched. It was in the match that he faced his team against Cameroon. The match was not important since both teams were eliminated, but the striker took advantage of it to make history.


Besides those 5 goals, Salenko he had scored the same against Sweden four days before, which served to be the top scorer of that World Cup with 6 goals with Hristo Stoitchkov, although the Russian got them in just 3 matches while the Bulgarian did it in 7 since his team reached the semifinals and played the game for third and fourth place.

The Russian attacker, who was a member of the CD Logronés where he had a great season scoring 17 goals in the Spanish league, had the opportunity to sign for the Valencia. But nevertheless, in the set ‘che’ failed to maintain level and failed.

From there, his career was in decline. He went to the Turkish league but suffered many injuries that kept him away from the playing fields for a long time..

In the final stretch of his career he returned to Spain to try to regain his level in the Córdoba in Second division but again the injuries were primed with him and he hung up his boots in the polish league soon after. Nonetheless, no one can take away the satisfaction of having made history in that summer of 94.


curiously, in that totally inconsequential game as far as the result is concerned, there was another event that went down in history. Roger Milla, Cameroonian striker, scored the goal of his team. This would not have been more important if it had not been for the fact that with that annotation, the footballer became the oldest to score a goal in a World Cup (at the age of 42 years).

Salenko and Roger Milla
The two protagonists of that historic match between Russia and Cameroon (The viewer)

After so many years, both records, that of oleg Salenko Y Roger Milla, are still in force and nobody has managed to pulverize them. We will see if this changes in future editions.



Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

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