10 things that drove us crazy in the years 90

10 things that drove us crazy in the years 90
If you had the original game you had to copy you all the shields of the book to get to play PC Football (Computer point)

Last update August 2, 2019 by Javier Argudo

If there is one word that defines the following article is homesick. Clearly there were many the things that drove us crazy kids the years 90 and it has been very difficult to develop a list of only 10. Certainly we left us a lot but what is clear is that none of which we will quote below is over and that all who read this article esbozáis a smile to remember.


Yes, in agreement, the series called champions but everyone called her Oliver and Benji. Those who saw in its first issue, back in the 90, in the newly created Telecinco, hallucinate. those fields “mountainous”, those parties that lasted 20 chapters, those balls that turned into a kind of omelette when they were Retreaded by Oliver Atom O Marc Lenders. The infernal catapult Derrick brothers, heart attacks Julian Ross. simply legendary.

Oliver and Benji
Much of the troops of the legendary Champions Series (Brand)


Before undertaking a comprehensive collection of trading cards Editions This had to be tanned in a more affordable and that was the collection of cartoons Bollycao. Shorter numerically, He had a difficulty is that the cards could not buy, It had to be pumped up to bollycaos at recess and snack out of the cole. Over, some of them out greasy butter, but it did not matter, were milk.

Trading cards Bollycao
When you inflabas to bollycaos to complete the collection (loquedejamosatras)


Once the collection is completed bollycao, for starters, It came the moment of truth, start (and end) a collection of trading cards This editions. But at the time of the cartons weighing his and stuck on the album with glue, no stickers. As he advanced the collection album was getting fatter almost no power or close. This time was no longer a selection of some caricatured players, no. There was now get all the players, including recent signings, the 'you put', etc, etc. Those items to pants and / or shirt. Change 'Repes'. What I will tell you not know.

Chromos Editions This
That time when we were with the album under his arm everywhere and with wad of cromos repeated to change or play trousers, shirt or equipment (cajonrecuerdos.com)


This small 'book’ He is traveling in our pockets everywhere and ended the season hackneyed and more deteriorated. Hours and hours reading all your data and the results pointing pen at a time when there were no applications for mobile devices. A real treat that, by the way, continues to be published today after more than 70 years after its first edition in 1949.

Dynamic Calendar
Dynamic Calendar complies 70 years and is more alive than ever (Dinamico.es)


Yes friends. It turns out there was a time when there was no internet to find out what was happening in real-time football games had to be seen in the teletext (indeed some still use it today). These colored letters' fosforito’ did you leave your eyes on the screen and increasing your diopters at full speed. The best was when you were standing staring at the name of your computer and suddenly the score was blinking because he scored a goal. Now that was a good APP. The Internet years 90.

What mattered was that your team did not enter the red zone classification teletext (Memedeport to)


The football game par excellence of the kids (and not so young). To lead a club, signing and selling players, make alignments, build a five-star stadium and get a second or Second Team B League champion proclaimed, Cup and Champions. Hours and hours at the computer, getting out of bed in secret so that your parents saw you play at night. No matter if it was the PC Football 3.0, 4.0 O 5.0, everyone petaron. The best of our childhood.

PC Football
PC menu legendary Football 5.0 (Time Out)


Today endangered, The pool He accompanied us to the vast majority of football fans in our childhood or adolescence. Every week our father came home with the ticket and I told you to do a column and you wore to study the parties. By the way, although some would sound like Chinese, there was a time when you had to make, the results calcaban another beneath you and you kept the receipt. A classic that has been eaten with the advent of online gambling.

The pool
The legendary football pools a few years ago should be completed and to keep a receipt to claim the prize (ideal.es)


“Hello, Hello!!! here comienzaaaa, Deportivo carousel, the away goals, the show, the true, that of Cadenaaa BE”. He was listening to Pepe Domingo Castaño with typical entradilla and stick to the radio. Sometimes at home, others in the car returning home Sunday after spending the weekend out. When all the matches were played at virtually the same time and there was excitement and goals in several fields at once. Paco González, Manolo Lama and many who are still soldiering but unfortunately it's not the same.

Deportivo carousel
Paco González and Pepe Domingo Castaño in his time at Cadena SER (Diario de Sevilla)


One of the leaders of whom I write. Every week one tried to save what he could to gain magazine Don Balon to read your articles, reports, view photos in full color and above all get the posters came inside. a joy.

Don Balon
One of the covers of the legendary magazine that accompanied us during our boyhood (Don Balon)


Nor I count the hours I could spend studying templates each team during the long summer that there was no football. When there were no mobile phones and people went to the bathroom with a book or magazine, He wore a server Brand Guide and he spent hours until my mother was banging the door to see if he left once.

Brand guide
One of the covers Brand Guide, specifically the season 1995-1996 (Todocoleccion)


Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

2 thoughts on “10 things that drove us crazy in the years 90

  1. Each and every one of them have lived the full. Of the bollycaos he had but lost.
    PC Soccer impressive vices.
    We lacked programs such as Study Stage with matias prats, Minut to minut in Valencian paco nadal…. I remember watching minut to minut until late at night because it was when it was in the summary of my team, The uprising.
    Thanks for the post.

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