POLL: What has been the best soccer World Cup in history?

POLL: What has been the best soccer World Cup in history?
Valderrama, colombia icon, in the match against the United States (brand Clear)

Last update March 23, 2024 by colgadosporelfutbol

In FUTBOLRETRO.ES we like to develop surveys so that our readers are participants in our articles. On this occasion we have decided to choose the best soccer World Cup in history. The results may surprise more than one.

¿Cuál ha sido el mejor Mundial de la historia?

Since the first edition held in Uruguay 1930, the history of the World Cups has left us anecdotes, curiosities and images for history. The Maracanazo of 1950, Pele Brazil, Cruyff's Clockwork Orange, the exhibition of Maradona in Mexico ’86, the Bebeto and Romario dances in USA '94 and a long etcetera.


For many, the best World Cup in history was the one celebrated in Mexico in the year 1970. There some of the best teams ever seen were cited among which he stood out, above all, Brazil. That generation led by Pelé was, according to experts, the best soccer team of all time. For history there was the shock that faced Italy and Germany, baptized as ‘The party of the century‘, that the Italians took in overtime.

Brazil 1970
Brazil and Italy disputed the final of Mexico 1970 that the Brazilians were carried away by a forceful 4-1 (The universe)


The World 1974 It was the one that supposed the birth of modern football (in a good way). That edition was dominated by the Cruyff Holland who implemented the call ‘Total soccer‘ that impressed the whole world. Of course, although the tulips fell defeated in the final against the hosts, there is a before and after from that World Cup.


We don't know if this was the best world cup in history, what does seem clear is that Mexico ’86 left us the best personal performance of all time. that of 1986 It is known as ‘the Maradona World Cup‘ as, effectively, Pelusa was crowned the best soccer player on the planet and, maybe, history. Their 5 goals and their individual exhibitions (especially in the match against England) they marked an entire generation.

the best world cup in history
Maradona lifts the World Cup of 1986 disputed in Mexico (Infobae)


It is one of the best taste in the mouth left by fans around the world. At first there were many doubts about the fact that it was held in a country where football is not, much less, The king sport. But nevertheless, It was a success starting with the ‘crowds’ that presented the stadiums, the color in the stands and, especially, by the number of stars that participated.

The Bulgaria de Stoichkov, Brolin's Sweden, Maradona's Argentina, the Brazil of Romario and Bebeto, the Italy of Roberto Baggio… Without forget, Of course, other teams like Germany, Spain and a long etcetera. But nevertheless, for putting a snag to this World Cup event, The final between Italians and Brazilians was quite disappointing and had to be resolved in the penalty shoot-out after the match ended goalless.

After more than 3.000 votes, this has been the best world cup in history for our readers:

Do you agree with the results? You can leave your comments at the end of the article.

Javier Argudo

PC Football changed my life.

4 thoughts on “POLL: What has been the best soccer World Cup in history?

  1. Sorry, I can not agree, the World Cup 86 He left us many unforgettable games in history that all who saw him remember, I guess the majority who voted did not see it, that's why they voted for the 94.
    There was a 6-0 from Denmark to unforgettable Uruguay, Spain's victory against that Denmark in Querétaro, the indomitable lions of Morocco almost bending England, Maradona passing over the English and Belgians, a game with overtime and penalties from Brazil and France in quarters almost as good as Germany-Italy's 70 and Germany-France the 82 that was repeated in this same world in the semifinals.
    And Germany's incredible comeback in the final to end Valdano's goal, I'm sorry but matches like that were not seen in the 94 however much Stoichkov's Bulgaria or Larsson's Sweden shone.
    To show this question, how can a team finish a zero tie in a final with a lead with Bebeto and Romario??, I have nothing more to add, Your Honor.….

    1. I am in favor of 86, I am in favor of, I am in favor of 6 0 I am in favor of, 6 1. I am in favor of, I am in favor of, I am in favor of, I am in favor of, I am in favor of 94!

  2. Nooo, by far the best World Cup was Mexico 86…!! WITH large selections…!!! WITH top world figures in each team van vasten.gulit.platini rumenigge matheus. The Mexican does not remember the name of the Brazilian team.. Paolo rossi and his Italian team that was ... and then Italy's 90. even the song is the best

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